Page 97 of The Bones of Love

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“Yeah, baby, you can take more. Watch yourself take me. Deeper, Deeper, oh, God, stop.” I breathed. “Stop. I need…a minute.” I groaned as she ignored me, wiggling her way down my shaft until she was fully seated. Her ass firm and hot on my thighs.

“Gus.” She said conversationally. As if she wasn’t seated on my dick just now. As if I hadn’t just died from being inside her. “I don’t know what I was thinking. You’re fucking huge.”

“Mmhmm. And I’m going to make you come again. So fucking hard.”

“Oh, God,” she complained. But she rocked herself back and forth. “Mmm,” she pinched her lips together and winced.

“You feel so good, Crow.” I flipped her onto her back and pushed in again, not all the way, just enough to reach that place inside herthat squeezed my head and milked my cock until my eyes rolled back. “You’re... Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

“Keep talking, Gus. Don’t stop. I love the way to talk to me.”

It was like I couldn’t get close enough to her. I needed to breathe her in. Consume her.

I lifted her leg, kneading her thigh in my hand. She moaned when I sank even deeper inside her, rubbing her clit with my pubic bone. With every move, she let out a squeal. “You like it when I’m deep inside you? When I... open you up to me?”

“Yes. Oh God, yes.”

“I love watching you like this. Bare. Stripped of everything except what’s mine.” I gritted my teeth, plunging deeper on the last word.Mine. She wasmine.

I moved faster, matching her rhythm as she unconsciously rocked her hips to meet mine. It was like she was in a trance, and she was taking me with her. “You’re mine, Crow.”

“Yes.” She rocked deeper, her back arching off the bed.

“Tell me you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

My hand fitted itself around her delicate neck, gently hugging the sides and pushing her into the mattress. I grunted, I moaned. I was long past caring how I sounded. She didn’t care either. Her mewls and moans and hoarse pants were wild, and she was making me feral along with her. “My wife.”

“Yesss,” she droned on a long note. She was coming. Hard. Screaming. Talons breaking my skin. I could feel her muscles pulsing around my cock. Finally, blessedly, I could let go.

Release floated through me. My back jerked as I emptied deep inside her. My eyes went dark as my final thrusts pumped into her, giving her everything. Every. Fucking. Drop. Of my cum.

Nothing. Nothing had ever felt like this.

I fell onto her, giving her almost my full weight as my cock slowly softened inside her. I knew she needed to get up and pee, but I was reluctant to let her leave my sight, even for a couple of minutes.

“That was...” she started.

“Yeah. It was,” I agreed.

“I’ve gotta...”

“Yeah. Okay.” I slipped out of her, leaving a milky puddle to drip down between her legs and between her ass cheeks. And fuck if the sight of my cum leaking from her wasn’t already making me hard again.

“Oh, God, I can’t walk,” she laughed. She stumbled as she tried to get up, drunk on orgasms.

I rolled off the bed and scooped her up in my arms. “Come on, Crow.”

She crashed into my chest, still laughing while I placed her gently on the toilet.

“Go,” I crossed my arms.

“Not with you in here.”

“I’m the reason you’re in here.”

“I’m shy.”
