Page 94 of The Bones of Love

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A moan escaped when I sucked her hardened clit between my lips.

“Yes, like that.” She rocked against my face, pushing the back of my head into her.

“You like it when I suck your clit?”

She giggled.

“Answer me, Crow,” I said, only taking my mouth off her pussy for a split second before diving back in. My beard was soaked. I’d dove in alright. There was no way I could hold back now that I’dhad a taste of her. Our eyes connected as I sucked and tasted her, drinking her down like a man dying of thirst in the desert.

There was nothing better. I was fully immersed in her pleasure, watching her writhing on my mouth. My knees ached. My dick was rock hard and pulsating, about to come in my pants.

But I was used to those sensations. On my knees on marble and stone floors in prayer. For years I’d been celibate, which didn’t mean I didn’t come. It meant I came in my dreams. In my hand. In the shower. My body needed to release and if I didn’t do it, the pressure of my sheets would do it for me.

And all those nights dreaming of doing this to Decca. To my raven-haired Crow.

Her voice broke, dry and hoarse from panting. Her breaths synchronized with her rocking. She was ready. She needed to come. Her clit was so hard. I sucked again, more gently this time, since it would only need the slightest touch to send her screaming toward orgasm. I needed those screams more than I needed my own release right now.

Come, Crow. Rise up and come, my fair one.

I gripped the backs of her thighs harder, supporting her when I felt her pussy quiver. Dear God, this was the sweetest moment of my life.

Her one knee tried to give out, but I caught her. Silently, shecame on my lips and my tongue, jerking until she was boneless and needed to collapse onto something before she melted onto the hard floor.

"That was it?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, breathlessly.

"You didn't even make me work for it." I smiled as I stood, ignoring my own aching knees as I dipped my head toward her mouth. Decca kissed me with a bruising force, not caring that I was painting her chin with her own juices from my dripping beard.

“Gus, I need you. I need you inside me. Fill me. Use me. Whatever you want. I want everything with you.”

She wrapped her legs around me. We both groaned when her pussy pressed against the head of my hard cock, even firmly encased under layers of clerical garb. The non-priestly part of me enjoyed knowing her bare pussy was rubbing against my robe, marking it with my wife’s essence. A secret we’d share no matter how many times it was dry cleaned. The mark of our first time.

I put her down on the bed and knelt on the edge between her legs.

“Take off your clothes, Gus. I want to see you.”

“You first.”

She peeled the snakes off her body, roughing up her wavy hair in a way that was so adorable it hurt to look at her. Then she lay back on her elbows, letting me look my fill.

I could barely register how beautiful she was as my eyes skated over her efficient, gamine body. Slender arms that had draped themselves so elegantly across my shoulders earlier, long neck I couldn’t wait to get my hands around again. Those small breasts she always downplayed… God, even the memory of her always-hard nipples would get me off faster than anything in the shower. They were so hard now, as she lay on her back with her body splayed out for me. Those dark tawny peaks were so fucking suckable, actual tears formed in my eyes.

I couldn’t pry myself away from looking. Not to touch her. Not even to fuck her. My cock ached. I flattened my hand against it. I couldn’t help but stroke it through the layers of gabardine and wool and cotton, not that it offered much relief.

“That’s mine now,” Decca sat up. “You don’t have to do that anymore. I don’t care how often you get hard, I only want you coming inside me. Or on me. We’ve both gone long enough without each other.”

I grunted. “You don’t know how often you make me hard.”

“You don’t know how often you make me wet.” She stood and reached out, tracing over the hard bulge in my robe. “I want to take all of you. All the time. Fuck me every hour, every minute… every way.”

She beckoned me to lean over her and she slowly undid the buttons at my neck before reaching around my waist to untie the sides. I shucked off the garment and let it fall to the floor. Frantically, she reached for my belt. “I’m not going anywhere. You don’t need to rush. We have all night.”

“You’re wrong, Gus. We have the rest of our lives, and it still won’t be enough time.”

It didn’t sound like she even realized what she’d said until she looked up at me, stilled her hands. Her shoulders dropped in uncertainty.

I held her face in my large hands. The sight brought out some fierce sense of protectiveness in me, but also that hint of danger that I craved with her. It was a strange dichotomy of wanting to bruise her while needing to keep her safe.
