Page 93 of The Bones of Love

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I laughed. “I think...” I looked into her olive eyes. They were darker now. Almost black in the setting sun. Being in the dark with her made me jittery like it was my first time. I didn’t trust myselfwith her. I’d fuck it all up irrevocably. I’d lose the priesthood, lose her...

I shook my head, hoping it would jar me out of this line of myself. “I don’t know if this is okay to ask—”

“Everything’s okay to ask. I just want us to be honest for once.”

“Tell me what to do?”

She drew back slightly. “Like dominance? I don’t—”

“No, not like that. Well, maybe like that. But not now. I just—this sounds so childish. I’m afraid. To touch you. I’m afraid the things I want to do to you will send you running. I want you so much, and I don’t even know how to do this.”

My arms were at my sides, hands flaccid on the bed, reflecting my weakness and inability to act. Her own dropped off my shoulders as she took a step back. She was calculating, determined, carefully weighing her odds.

Then I watched something else ghost across her face. I couldn’t place it, until…

“Stand up.”

I did as she instructed and stood from the bed, my back to her, so she couldn’t see my grin.

“Come here.”

Slowly, I turned, ready to see her in this glorious new role she’d assumed. “I hope you’re going to tell me to sink to my knees next. That’s where I belong with you. At your feet.”

“That’s good, for a start.” She smirked. She liked this role so far.

I knelt. Not the way I did for prayer, in supplication, and worship. I didn’t intend to worship Decca. I intended for our bodies to worship together, to get lost in time and space together, joined so perfectly, we could never be torn apart. We’d always be in communion after this. We’d be one.

Suddenly, something clicked inside my head. The good guy in me turned off. The priest vacated my brain.

The hard floor pressed into my knees, but I leaned into the discomfort. There was something about the physical pain that gave this a whiff of punishment. Maybe if I made this less perfect, I’d be more worthy.

I bent low, prostrate to the ground, my hands gripping the tops of her bare feet. Satin smooth skin overtop high arches and sinew. I kissed her, right above her toes, relishing my place down here as she stood over me, a detached image of strength and resilience and beauty. Like the Godbearer herself. I could stay at her feet like a dog forever.

Moving my hands up her legs, I savored the hardness of her calves, the way her knees buckled with a self-conscious laugh when I traced along the backs of her thighs.

Her ass was small, but plump. It filled my hands with perfect abundance. Her scent was delicate, but made me wild when I pressed her forward into my face. My wife. My gift. Finally, I would partake of her and she of me. I wouldn’t hold back anymore.

Her fingers wove through my hair, and I heard myself moaning when her talon-like nails raked over my scalp. The tingling traveled down my spine and across my shoulders, making me shudder.

“Your robe.”

“You like it.”

“I do.” Her eyes flashed as she smiled, pulling me closer with a finger in my high collar. “I like you wearing that you're while kneeling at my feet,” her lips quirked in an almost smile, but it wasn’t teasing or knowing. Just open.

My heart was exploding inside my chest. My pulse rocked my body, pressed against my eyes until I saw only shapes and colors. I prayed ceaselessly—for help, for strength—as my fingers skatedover the bare silk of her legs.God, let me be an uncracked vessel for her to pour herself into. Let me keep her safe.

Her finger was still in my collar as she tilted my face up, bending at the waist to meet me halfway. “But I’d like it better if you were wearing that while licking my pussy.”

Fuck. My fingers fumbled to unsnap the bottom of her bodysuit, lifting the sheer fabric that teased the view. “Do what you need, Crow. Use me.”

She hesitated a few seconds, then pushed my face into the soft, dark brown curls at the apex of her thighs. And when I licked that first streak, pushing my tongue into her slit, feeling the intense heat, tasting the juices already glistening on her lips, I was struck. It was a physical sensation, like a jolt to the chest, urging me on, telling me how right this was. How pure. This was the way God intended.

“Oh, Gus.” Her head whipped back as she arched into me.

I needed more. Deeper.

I lifted her leg and draped it over my shoulder, gripping her ass, spreading her cheeks and caressing inside as I feasted on her perfect cunt, licking every inch, finding all the nuanced places on her labia, around her clit, using my tongue to circle her opening, until I found the places that made her breath catch.
