Page 92 of The Bones of Love

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“I peeled off your sweater. Water trickled out of it in streams when it hit the floor.”

I nodded. Telling him it was okay to do that now.

He looked down at my UT sweatshirt, like it was vintage lingerie instead of my common cleaning day garb. He looked like he couldn’t believe his luck. His jaw firmed under his beard as his hands found their way underneath, skating over my belly as he lifted the thick fabric off my body.

I waited for him to take in my thin, small body in my high-waisted black jeans and my favorite sheer bodysuit with the embroidered snakes slithering up from my waist and encircling my nipples.

“I think I even envisioned this underneath. I can’t remember now. You’re so much better real.”

“You can touch me.” I had startled him. It was as if the thought hadn’t even occurred to him until I gave him permission. “Please touch me.”

The glint of a smile played on his lips as his thumbs, first one, then the other, traced the body of the snake, from the waistband of my jeans, along the bottom swell of my small breast and around the side to end at the snake’s tongue in the center. He was mesmerized, and I sank into his touch, my skin growing more and more sensitive with every inch he covered.

I opened the top button of my jeans and wiggled them down over my hips before stepping out of them. I knew he could see all of me beneath the sheer fabric, and I wanted to give him everything.

“What did you do then? In your dream.”

“You’re asking me to remember too much with a gorgeous semi-naked woman standing in front of me.”

“Then do what you fantasize about now. You can have all of me.”

His eyes shot to mine. “Crow. He smirked. God, he was hot when he smirked. “You’re fucking right, I’m going to have all of you. I just haven’t decided where I’m going to start.”


Lord Jesus Christ, Sonof God, have mercy on me.

This was nothing like my dream. Dream me could never have fully envisioned the feel of her skin under my fingertips, firm and satin smooth, cool after traipsing into the rainstorm, trembling from the warmth of my touch.

Dream me could never have imagined how perfectly her lips matched mine. Nor the gentle desperation behind her kiss. She was eager, but holding back.

Oh, my Crow, hold nothing back with me. I won’t let you down anymore.

And that dream hadn’t accounted for my own feelings. The tug of war inside my head was gasoline on an already raging fire.

There was heartbreak for my father. There was lust for the delights of her flesh and a yearning for the holiness of our union of souls. And at the way back, there were still those little demons that whispered into my ear, reminding me that my past sins would come back to haunt this bed. The conflict raged. I fought back myinstinct to throw Decca onto the bed and shove myself into her like a hormonal teenager who didn’t know how to please a woman.

And Decca deserved pleasing. I just hoped I could make this last.

She deserved slow kisses trailing over her body, she deserved vanilla sex, or bondage, or edge play or whatever she loved. I’d do anything. Whatever it took to make her as happy as she’d made me on our wedding day.

“Wh—what can I do?” I begged. “I don’t know how...”

“That’s not the rumor I’ve heard.” Her hoarse laugh made me automatically reach for her throat, not to choke or pull her down to me, but to… feel her there. Her weakness, her vulnerability.

Oh, fuck. I’d forgotten how to do everything. She was probably expecting Sex God Gus and here I’d spent the better part of the last decade unlearning everything that had always come so intuitively before.

Her eyes closed as she let out a soft sigh, dropping her head back and rolling it on her shoulders until her eyes were on me again.

Talk, Gus. Talk. You were good at this before.

She bent down to kiss me. “I want that Gus tonight,” she whispered against my lips.

I groaned. “That Gus doesn’t exist anymore.” It wasn’t exactly true. That Gus was a wild animal that had been caged for too long. So long, he’d been paralyzed with fear—that once he let it out, he wouldn’t be able to get it back into the kennel.

The time for denial had ended.

“What doyouneed, Gus?“ She was still in front of me, standing between my knees as though my body were a fortress. But she was the one offering protection.
