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“Luke? What can he do?”

“Oh, right. You didn’t know. He’s an FBI agent. He’s been working undercover for months. It came out last night. Look, there’s a lot more you don’t know. Can you pick me up here at the apartment, you remember the one Luke’s friend offered me?”

“I thought you were done with that.”

“It’s a long story, Mel. Turns out it’s actually Luke’s real home. I’ll fill you in later. Come as soon as you can.”

“On my way.”

By the time Honey had her shower and got the coffee ready, Mel rang the intercom and Honey buzzed her in. At the door, Honey pulled her friend in for a hug and the stiffness she felt disappeared when Mel’s resolve broke. “I barely made it here. I’ve been crying so hard, I thought I’d be pulling a Honey a few times.”

Teasing about her penchant for fender benders was a good sign. Honey didn’t let Mel’s words bother her. Instead, she smiled and led her friend inside. “Come in and sit. I have coffee ready, and there’s still muffins I left behind from when I stayed here before. I warmed them up.” She pointed to a seat. “We need to talk.”

Mel let herself be led to the counter. She sat on a stool, then began wiping her eyes and blowing her nose with the ragged tissue.

Honey placed a Kleenex box she’d been using herself beside Mel and poured the coffee. Taking the muffins from the microwave, she put butter and honey down, then slapped a knife and two plates in front of them before sitting next to Mel.

Taking her friend’s clenched hand, she started. “First, I’ll tell you about last night.” In as few words as possible, she described her fear and shock at the events that had transpired, ending with her utter amazement at finding the man’s life she’d saved had been Luke’s.

“Holy shit, girl. How did you survive? I mean… knowing you were with killers. Then having to trust that Sage character. Lordy, I’d have died.”

“No. You wouldn’t have. In fact, you’d have handled it probably better than I did. But in the end, Sage brought me here and then left. I got a text from him this morning saying he’s on a bus which will be crossing the border in the next few hours. He’s a hero. I pray he gets home safely.”

“Me too. Now no more beating around the bush. Tell me about Jess. What’s it all about?” She took a small bite from the muffin but threw it back on the dish.

“You know as much as I do. I filled you in on the last thing Detective Lansdale told me. The killer in prison had confessed but wouldn’t give the name of his accomplice.” Honey’s mind whirled. “But the advances in science have been incredible over the last twenty years.”

“Yeah, now that they can do in-depth DNA testing, they’ve probably uncovered new evidence. Which led them to Jess.” Mel’s eyes watered again.

Honey pulled her close. “Look, let’s not get upset until we know the facts. And the fact is that I have a meeting with Detective Lansdale in an hour. Will you drive me to police headquarters?”

“Yes. Of course, and I’ll try to get more news about Jess while I’m there.”

“Good idea. Do you have any makeup in that suitcase?” She pointed at Mel’s large handbag.

“Sure.” Mel pulled out a bulging case and handed it over.

“Good. Eat up, and I’ll go get ready.” Honey took a huge bite out of her muffin and grabbed her coffee to take with her. By the time she’d returned, Luke had reappeared and was in a deep discussion with Mel.

As soon as he saw her, he strode over to scoop her close, his arms holding her safe. “Mel told me you have an appointment. I’ll go with you to see Detective Lansdale. We’ll find out what’s going on. Just give me a minute to make a couple phone calls.” He headed into the other room, and Honey could hear his no-nonsense voice giving orders.

As soon as he returned, he eyed the plate of muffins. “I’m starving.” He poured a small bit of coffee into a mug, then took a bite out of one of the healthy sweets before drinking. “It’s been so hectic; I never got a chance to stop.”

Honey had the sense that he might be playing for time and reminded him, “The appointment with Detective Lansdale is for one o’clock in his office. I don’t want to be late.”

Luke checked his watch, ate the last of the muffin, and nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

When they arrived, Mel went to the desk to make inquiries, but Luke stuck close to Honey. Following her, he answered her unspoken question. “It’s okay. I know Lansdale. We spoke earlier.”

“Was that the call you made?”

“One of them.”

When they were shown into the office, Hamilton Jones sat with the detective. Both stood up as Honey and Luke were invited to sit. The detective made a special point of reaching to shake Honey’s hand and then did the same with Luke.

“Okay, let’s get to it. There’s been new information coming to light over your sister’s case, Miss Bolder. I knew you’d want to be advised. We believe we found the other man involved with Katrina’s death that night. We’ve brought Jess Shore in for questioning after finding his DNA at the scene. He’s refusing to talk but Mr. Jones has enlightened us as to why and pretty-much solved the case.”

Honey looked at Hamilton and saw the deep sadness in his globby eyes. Without thinking, she reached out her hand in sympathy, and he took it in both of his.

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