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Lansdale ignored them and continued to speak.

“As it turns out, Jess had an identical twin brother Julian. Back then, Julian was a wild one, an addict always in trouble. He ran with the likes of Harv, and others in the same bunch. We tracked down his last-known whereabouts to find out he’d died of an overdose in Houston ten years ago.”

“Does that mean Jess is free?”

“Yes. Mr. Jones is willing to testify that Julian came to him, confessing his involvement in your sister’s case. In those days, Hamilton ran a group session for addicts, people who were ready to turn their lives around. Jess and Luke here were a couple of his members.”

Hamilton spoke then. “I tole the detective that though Julian had been there, he hadn’t done any killing… on the contrary, he’d tried to stop it and was injured… knocked unconscious. When he woke, he ran to me. And I tole him to give hisself up. But he didn’t think they’d believe him because of his reputation. Instead, he ran away.”

“And the evidence supports his story. We’ve always known there were two criminals but only one killer.” Lansdale smiled at Hamilton. “Thank you for coming forward, Mr. Jones. It’s a huge relief when we can close a cold case.” The detective turned to Honey. “I hope this brings you the peace you’ve been searching for.”

She smiled. “It does. It really does. I can’t thank you enough. I’ll let my mom know about Katrina. She’ll be glad to think someone at least tried to stop the monster even if they didn’t succeed.”

While she had her conversation with the detective, she saw Luke help Hamilton to his feet, shake his hand, and show his gratitude. When they stared into each other’s eyes, something passed between them, something that made her feel as if there was more to the story than Hamilton had shared. Knowing she’d be pushing Luke for answers as soon as possible, she said nothing at the moment.

When they arrived back at the counter where they’d left Melanie, they saw Jess standing next to her, his face alight with relief. When he saw Hamilton, gratitude shone on his features and again that made Honey aware that there was something no one was saying.

But the lighthearted moment couldn’t be ruined with doubts and so she put them aside. Deciding they should celebrate; they made their way to a busy pub within walking distance and nabbed a table.

Ordering drinks and food, they broke into conversation, Luke sharing his news about the upcoming invitation to appear at the Opry stage. Jess, with a twinkle in his eyes, teased Luke. “How’re you gonna be able to juggle being an FBI agent and work at Nudies at the same time?”

“I’m not. You’re gonna take my place.”

“Excuse me?” Jess’s eyes rounded with shock.

“Man, it’s time. Enough hanging back and being a martyr. You can sing better than I ever could, and you play a mean guitar. We both had the best teacher, right? Why you stopped your music career is your business but it’s time to take your place where you’ve always belonged.”

Hamilton reached for Jess’s hand and when they were joined he spoke his command. “You gotta do it, Jess. It’s time, son.”


Chapter Forty-seven

As they were getting ready for the evening celebration, Luke came up behind Honey to cuddle her. “I still can’t believe how wonderful it’s been living with you all these months. It’s hard to remember my old life.”

“Me too. I leave school earlier now because I’m in such a hurry to get home.” She leaned her body against his warmth and sighed. “I’m really excited for tonight. Mel couldn’t stop talking about it for the last week. I guess Jess has been auditioning with the band for the songs they’ve chosen to play tonight and from what she says, it’s fantastic.”

“Good. He’s finally where he should be. Back with his father and making the music God meant him to make. He’s as good on the guitar as Ham ever was and can sing better than I ever could.”

“Hold it. Don’t disparage my guy. I love your voice and so did a hell of a lot of others. You make people happy, Luke and that’s not something to besmirch.”

“Say’s my beautiful, prejudiced wife.”

“Who happens to be a smart, educated, high school teacher, so don’t mess with me, or you’ll get detention.”

“Oh, Miss Bolder. Bring it on.”

Moments later, Honey pushed Luke away and laughingly slapped his reaching hands. “No. We have to leave. I promised we’d pick up Linda at Hamilton’s place, and Mom and Bernie expect to meet us there with Tansy and her mother.”

“Right. We have obligations for now but later you’re all mine.”

“Cool. We can make a baby so I can be pregnant at the same time as Mel. Between Jess’s new career and the coming little one, it’s all I hear about.” She laughed to show her grumbling held no malice at all. In fact, she couldn’t be happier for her best friend.

“Deal.” Luke turned her to the door and with a playful slap on her behind, he ushered her out of the bedroom.


Invited backstage to the band’s old-fashioned waiting room, Luke could see the others were feeling the pressure. “Hey, guys, you’ve earned this tribute. You deserve to be here.”

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