Page 95 of Only You, Only Us

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“God, I’ve missed you. So fucking much.”

His words don’t soothe me; they cut deep, slicing at the pain still locked in my heart and letting it bleed out all over again. But they’re also everything I need to hear.

Even after all we’ve been through, he still wants me more than anything. I can feel it — taste it. And that’s maybe more addictive than anything I can take myself.

“It killed me seeing you with that guy.” He pants between kisses as his hands roam over my body, like he’s remembering the curve and shape of me against his touch. “I wanted to tear him away from you.”

“Is this what this is about? Jealousy?” I breathe the words, already high from Jeremy alone.

He stops and grabs my jaw with his fingers, making sure there’s nowhere I can look but at him. “Insanely.” He moves so his lips are at the shell of my ear, his breath teasing and sending a riot of nerves through my body. “There shouldn’t be anyone else, Anna.”

I close my eyes, ready to surrender. “You can’t say that only when it suits you. I’ve not seen you for years.” It’s a last protest, but I already know I’ve lost.

“Who says I won’t say that forever?”

I used to think that we would be together forever. That special time before things grew too bleak. But he spat that back in my face at the jetty. And where’s he been for the last few years, if that’s how he feels?

“Don’t be cruel. You don’t mean it.”

“It’s the truth. It’s only ever been you, Anna. Only you. Only us.”

The words infect me, drawing me back to the past and helping me skip over everything I’m sad about. His hands continue their caress, but it’s not enough. I want him. I want him to take me and forget everything that’s come before.

His kiss deepens as he pushes me back against the door, leaving no room to escape. His tongue licks at my lips as he pants, smothering me with his body.

My fingers glide up the line of buttons on his chest and pull at each one until I can run my hand over the ridges of muscle hidden beneath.


I want more.

“Hurry up and fuck me, Jeremy,” I moan as I tilt my head back.

He pulls back, confusion marring his face. But my arms reach up and pull him back to me.

“Fine.” He grabs me and lifts me off my feet, but only to twist us around. He lays me on the table in the middle of the entry hall before pulling at my trainers and then dragging my leggings down my legs. When he’s got them off, he pulls his cock from his jeans and shoves my knickers aside, lining up and ramming into me.

“God, yes,” I moan. It’s delicious and satisfying, and I melt into the wood beneath me.

“Fuck, Anna,” he curses and grips my hips. He shifts and then thrusts back in, jolting the edge of the table, but it shifts me, hitting that spot inside that makes me want to fly.

He keeps going, and I grip his waist with my legs. The rhythm builds, growing faster with his pace, and the shunt of the table grinds against the marble floor as he keeps going.

“This is how I want you. Open to me. Mine. Don’t you feel how good we can be?”

“Yes. Yes!” The words are just those. Words. There’s a deeper feeling awakening inside of me. Desire, deep and sensual, is filtering through my body. “Harder, Jere. Please. Fuck me.” I’ve never been loud before, but it’s always been there, behind my innocence or age. Now, I know how good it can be. I deserve to feel good.

He slams his hips forward, jolting me and rubbing my clit at the same time. It sparks the coil of nerves in my gut. “Yeah, more, more. Come on,” I pant, my breathing now loud and desperate.

The crash of glass hitting the floor doesn’t even stop us. Jeremy keeps pounding into me, his jaw tight, his fingers tighter, digging into my flesh.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moan as my climax floods my body.

My limbs go weak, and I sense as Jeremy reaches his own peak, shuddering and stilling inside me.

The hall is quiet, our breathing lost in the size of the space.

After a few moments, he pulls out and scoops me in his arms, and I let him, wrapping my arms around his neck in my sleepy, sated haze.
