Page 29 of Only You, Only Us

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Ok. I’ve got something to ask.


You have my attention.


Patience, Anna.



I’m curious and excited when he finally knocks on the door.

“Hey.” I bounce up at him. “So?”

“Not here.” He bends down to kiss me — chaste and not the usual display of affection I’ve grown accustomed to.

We go upstairs, and I pull him towards the bed. We both crash down, but before he can kiss me again, I push him away. “So?” I ask as I turn on my side to face him.

“Fine.” He rolls towards the ceiling, looking a little uncomfortable, but then turns back. “How do you feel about coming to Cornwall with me this summer?” He leans back and puts his hands behind his head.

My cheeks lift, and my smile runs away with me. “Um, really? But not the whole summer, though.”

“Why not? We’re leaving next week. I don’t want to be apart from you for all that time.”

“But I’m coming down anyway at the beginning of the holidays with my mum.”

“I can’t spend three and a half weeks without you. Come down with me, stay, and see your mum when she comes later on?”

The summer of my dreams spins out in front of my eyes as I imagine what this will mean. “Just,” I sit up on my knees and look at him. “You’re serious?”

“Deadly. Come on. It will be the best. And you’re the only person I’ve ever wanted to bring. You’re the only person I can imagine spending that much time with and still not getting enough.” He smiles at his little declaration, and my pulse quickens in my chest.

“Yes!” I lunge towards him and hug him fiercely. “But we still need to get my mum to okay it.”

“She’s cool, though, right?”

“There’s cool. And then there’s letting your sixteen-year-old daughter go on holiday with her boyfriend.”

“My parents will be there. Most of the time. And, you’ll have your own room,” he states as if he’s prepared for all questions.

“Really?” The idea of separate rooms is a little bit of a relief. We’re not there… yet. And having some space would be nice, I suppose. My mind runs over thoughts of what could happen. All that time together. In the house and on the beach. Sunkissed skin, glistening water, cosy evenings.

“Of course.”

“Do you want to come and ask with me?” I smile.


“Yeah. If you’re going next week, I’ll need to go shopping.”

“We have everything at the house. Just bring you, a bikini, and maybe a top or two.” He waggles his eyes at me.

I drag him up from the bed and go downstairs, giggling as I go.

“Mum?” I walk through to her space. “Mum, I have something to ask.”
