Page 30 of Only You, Only Us

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Jeremy is behind me; I can feel him standing there with no space between us.

“Jeremy has invited me to his place in Cornwall for the summer. They leave next week.” My grin is so big my cheeks hurt.

“Oh!” Her eyes pop. “Wow. That’s a generous offer. Um, okay. All summer?”

“I’d come and stay with you for the two weeks you’ll be there. And then either come back with you or stay a little more?” I turn and check with Jeremy.

He nods. “And, Becca, my parents will be there, and we’ll be supervised. We have a live-in chef and maid, so we’ll never be left alone. Plus, Anna will have her own room. You have nothing to worry about.” He leans over and clasps his arms around my neck.

“Well, you’ve certainly thought of everything. Maybe I could have a conversation with your mum? I’d like to make sure everything’s all okay. And you’re missing the end of school.”

“Seriously, Mum?” I protest, embarrassed. “My grades are fine, and I can just get extra reading.”

“Anna,” she warns, and I dip my eyes.

“That’s fine, Becca. I’ll have my mum call you.”

“Cheers, beautiful.” Mum holds her glass up, and we clink.

“Thank you.”

“It’s nice to do this. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve not been anywhere.”

“I know, but Jeremy is taking up a lot of your time.”

My eyes roll, not wanting to have this conversation.

“You’re growing up. I get it. And I need to let you go, even though I don’t want to. You’re my baby girl.”

“Hey, you’ve been working loads, which I’m happy about. For you, I mean. And when I’m gone, I’ll be down the road from where we usually stay. And I’ll be coming back to be with you. Our tradition won’t stop, I promise.” I grab her hand across the table.

“He’s special to you, isn’t he?” she muses, like she already knows the answer but wants me to confirm it, and I know why. It took a long time to get to this point.

“He is. I know I should be careful after how things started. But he makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world now. It’s like I just needed to crack that exterior of his a little.”

“Just be careful. And I mean that in every sense of the word.”

“Mum!” I duck my head. “We are not having that conversation here,” I whisper-hiss at her. She just chuckles to herself.

“I suppose you’ll want to go shopping. I mean, I’m sure the stuff in your closet might need an upgrade.”

“Yes! That would be amazing. If you’re okay with that,” I tack on the second part.

“Of course. It will be fun. No online shopping — this is my indulgence before you go. Deal?”


Despite being with Jeremy for weeks, this will be the first time I’ve seen his house.

Mum and I drive up and stop at the driveway entrance, taking in the expanse of real estate in front of us. The house is off-white with dark accents and huge windows decorating all the aspects. It’s a mansion, not a house. Their Range Rover is parked on the lower drive, next to a triple garage, so Mum drives up and around to what looks like a second drive area. She turns around and then cuts the engine.

Jeremy jogs up to us and wraps me in his arms as soon as I get out of the car. “Hey. Want me to get your bags?” But he’s already opening the boot and getting them out.

Mum nods towards the house and raises her brows. I know what she’s thinking — it’s bloody massive. I take in the house but feel a little anxious at the idea of leaving for the first time without my mum.
