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I can feel the anticipation building in the room, the maddening, electric current of desire that flows between the four of us. I’m itching to touch her, to feel her soft skin under my hands, but I know we need to take things slow.

“We’re going to start with something simple,” I explain, my voice low and soothing. “I want you to keep your hands clasped behind your back, and don’t move them unless we tell you to. Can you do that for us, sweetheart?”

Ava nods eagerly, her hands immediately moving to the small of her back. The position thrusts her chest forward, making her breasts look even more mouthwatering. “Yes, sir,” she breathes, her voice trembling slightly.

“Good girl,” Ethan praises, his hand sliding up to tangle in her hair. “You’re being so good for us.”

Ava practically purrs at the compliment, her eyes fluttering closed in bliss. I can see how much she craves our approval, how desperate she is to please us.

Alex steps closer, his hand cupping her jaw as he tilts her face up to his. “Keep your eyes on me, Ava,” he commands softly. “I want to see those pretty brown eyes while we play with you.”

She obeys instantly, her gaze locking with his as she trembles under his touch. I can see the desire burning in her eyes, the way her pupils are blown wide with arousal.

Slowly, teasingly, I reach out and trail my fingertips down the side of her neck, feeling her pulse flutter wildly under my touch. She gasps softly, her lips parting on a shaky exhale.

“You like that, don’t you, sweetheart?” I murmur, my voice low and seductive. “You like it when we touch you.”

“Y-yes,” she whimpers, her voice barely above a whisper. “Please, I… I need…”

“Shh,” Ethan soothes, his hand tightening in her hair. “We know what you need, baby girl. We’re going to take care of you.”

With that, he leans down and captures her lips in a hot kiss, swallowing her moan of pleasure. I watch as she melts into him, her body going soft and submissive under his touch.

Alex and I exchange a heated glance, our own desire burning hot and bright. We’re just getting started, but I can already tell this is going to be a wild ride.

As Ethan breaks the kiss, leaving Ava panting and flushed, I step forward and run my thumb over her wet, kiss-swollen lips. “You’re being such a good girl for us, baby,” I praise, my voice rough with want. “I think you deserve a reward.”

Her eyes light up at my words, her tongue darting out to run over her lips. “Please,” she breathes, her voice thick with need. “I’ll do anything.”

I smirk, exchanging a knowing glance with Alex and Ethan. Oh, the things we have planned for our sweet, willing little sub.

“Anything, huh?” I muse, my hand sliding down to cup her breast through her bra. She arches into my touch, a soft whimper escaping her lips. “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart. We might just give it to you.”


As Liam teases Ava with the promise of a reward, I can see the desperate need in her eyes, the way her body trembles with anticipation. She’s so fucking responsive, so eager to please us, and it’s taking all of my self-control not to just bend her over and fuck her senseless.

But I know we need to be patient, to guide her through this experience with care. She’s trusting us with her deepest desires, and we can’t afford to let her down.

“Stand up, baby,” I command softly, my hand sliding from her hair to cup her cheek. “Let’s get you a little more comfortable.”

Ava obeys immediately, rising gracefully to her feet. Her legs are a little unsteady, and I can see the way her chest heaves with each deep breath. She’s already so far gone, and we’ve barely even touched her.

Alex steps behind her, his hands coming to rest on her hips as he pulls her back against his chest. She gasps at the contact, her head falling back against his shoulder as he nuzzles her neck.

“You smell so fucking good,” he growls, his teeth grazing her earlobe. “I can’t fucking wait…”

Ava whimpers at his words, her hips rocking back against him instinctively. I can see the outline of Alex’s hard cock pressing against her ass, and the sight makes my own dick throb with need.

Liam moves to stand in front of her, his eyes raking over her body with hunger. “Let’s get rid of this, shall we?” he suggests, his fingers toying with the strap of her bra.

Ava nods eagerly, her hands flexing behind her back as she fights the urge to touch us. “Please,” she breathes, her voice barely above a whisper.

Slowly, teasingly, Liam begins to undo her bra, revealing more and more of her smooth, caramel skin. I watch, transfixed, as he parts the fabric, exposing the full globes of her glorious breasts.

“Fuck, baby,” I groan, my hand sliding up her ribcage to cup a generous tit. “You’re so goddamn perfect.”

Ava arches into my touch, a soft moan escaping her lips as I brush my thumb over her hardened nipple. Her skin is warm and soft under my fingers, and I can feel the way her heart races with excitement.
