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Alex’s hands slide up her sides, pushing the bra off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. “Step out of your panties, sweetheart,” he orders, his voice low and commanding. “I want to see all of you.”

Ava obeys without hesitation, wiggling her hips as she shimmies out of the scrap of lace. It pools at her feet, leaving her standing in front of us in nothing but her perfect, glorious nakedness.

“Look at you,” Liam breathes, his eyes drinking in every curve of her body. “Our own personal wet dream, ready to be fucking worshiped.”

I can see the way Ava’s cheeks flush at the praise, the way her lips curve into a shy, pleased smile. She’s not used to being adored like this, to being the center of attention, but it’s clear she’s loving every second of it.

“On the couch, baby,” Alex commands, guiding her to the leather sofa in the middle of the room with a hand at the small of her back. “Spread those gorgeous thighs for us.”

Ava complies eagerly, settling herself on the couch and letting her legs fall open. The sight of her sprawled out for us, her pussy engorged and glistening with need, is enough to make my mouth fucking water.

“Look at that pretty pussy,” Liam murmurs appreciatively, settling himself between her legs. “I bet it tastes as sweet as honey.”

Ava whimpers at his words, her hips rising in a silent plea for more. I can see dampness spreading on her inner thighs. She’s fucking dripping with need. For us.

“Patience, sweetheart,” I remind her, my hand trailing up the inside of her leg. “We’re going to take our time with you, make you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

She nods, biting her plump lower lip as she tries to hold still under my teasing touch. I can feel the way her muscles quiver, the way her body yearns for more.

Alex moves to kneel behind her on the couch, his hands smoothing over her shoulders and down her arms. “You’re being so good for us, baby,” he praises, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. “Such a perfect little sub.”

Ava practically purrs at the compliment, her eyes fluttering closed in bliss. I can see the way she melts under Alex’s touch, the way she surrenders herself to our will.

“Please,” she breathes, her voice throaty with desperation. “Please, I need…”

“We know what you need,” Liam soothes, his fingers hooking under her knees. “We’re going to give it to you, baby girl. We’re going to make you come so hard, you’ll forget your own name.”

With that, he spreads her legs further, exposing her glistening folds to our hungry gazes. Ava’s breath hitches in her throat, her thighs trembling as she fights the urge to close them.

“Keep them open, sweetheart,” I order, my fingers trailing through her slick heat. “Let us see that gorgeous pussy.”

Ava obeys with a whimper, her hands fisting as she forces herself to stay still. I can see the desperation in her eyes, the way her body arches into my touch.

“Such a good girl,” Alex praises, his hands cupping her breasts as he nips at her neck. “Our good girl.”

As Liam lowers his head between her legs, his tongue darting out to taste her, Ava cries out in pleasure, her body shuddering under the assault of sensations. I watch, mesmerized, as he laps at her folds, his fingers spreading her open for his greedy mouth.

“That’s it, baby,” I encourage, my own cock throbbing almost painfully as I watch my two best friends worship her body. “Let us make you feel good. Let us show you how much we want you.”


When they guide me to the bed, laying me out like a feast, I’m trembling with anticipation. This is really happening. I’m about to live out my filthiest, most forbidden fantasies with three gorgeous, attentive lovers.

Liam starts at my feet, pressing soft kisses to my ankles, my calves, the sensitive backs of my knees. Ethan maps out the planes of my stomach with his clever tongue. And Alex, he captures my mouth in a searing, possessive kiss that steals the breath from my lungs.

They take their time, working me into a frenzy with teasing licks, nips and strokes. By the time they finally, finally touch me where I need them the most, I’m a babbling, incoherent mess, too far gone to care about anything but the exquisite pleasure they’re wringing from my body.

The first press of Ethan’s fingers against my aching, soaked flesh has me arching off the bed with a strangled cry. He chuckles, low and dark, clearly enjoying my desperation. “So responsive,” he muses, circling my clit with a feather-light touch. “I can feel how much you want it, sweetheart. How badly you need to come.”

“Please,” I whimper, too far gone for pride. “Please, I need…”

“Shh, we know what you need baby,” Liam soothes before dipping his head, and oh… oh fuck.

The first swipe of his tongue nearly sends me flying apart. Alex swallows my scream with his kiss, his hands cupping my face with tender possessiveness.

They work me in tandem, Ethan’s fingers thrusting and curling inside me, Liam’s clever mouth driving me to the brink again and again. I’m teetering on the edge, my body drawn as tight as a bowstring, when Alex’s deep, commanding voice washes over me.

“Come for us, Ava. Now.”
