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My skin prickles with goosebumps, my body trembling with a mix of nerves and desire. I don’t know what the night has in store for me, but I do know one thing: I’m ready to surrender myself completely to these incredible men.

I bow my head in submission. The position feels natural, right in a way I can’t even explain.

“Good girl,” Alex praises, his fingers threading through my hair in a gentle caress. “You’re doing so well, baby.”

I smile under his praise, my body flushing with warmth and pride. I want to be good for them, want to please them in every way possible.

“Undress,” his voice isn’t loud, but it reverberates through the room—and through me. It’s not a request; it’s a command, wrapped in silk and edged with steel.

I hesitate for a split second, my mind a riot of nerves and excitement. Then I reach for the hem of my dress, pulling it over my head with a fluid motion. My breath catches as I stand there, vulnerable in my lingerie, under the predatory gaze of my bosses. They can almost see everything under the flimsy scraps of lace. My full breasts, soft stomach, wide hips and generous ass. My thick thighs, the plumpness of my pussy… Their eyes are fucking ablaze, their cocks swelling in their pants. Fuck. This is real. They fucking want me!

Ethan and Liam circle me like sharks, their eyes roaming over my body with undisguised hunger. “Fuck, look at you,” Ethan growls, his voice rough with desire. “On your knees for us like the perfect little sub. You’ve got no idea how hot you are right now, do you baby girl?”

I bite my lip, shaking my head shyly. The intensity of their gazes makes me feel bold and powerful, like a goddamn sex queen. Who knew submission could be so empowering?

Liam kneels down behind me, his lips brushing the shell of my ear and making me shiver. “We’re going to blindfold you now, sweetheart. Take away your sight so you can focus on your other senses. Color?”

“Green,” I breathe without hesitation. I trust these men with every fiber of my being.

The blindfold slips over my eyes, plunging me into velvety darkness. My other senses come alive, the slightest touch or sound sending sparks of electricity dancing across my skin.

I feel their hands on me, exploring every curve and hollow with reverent touches. The contrast of rough, calloused palms and teasing, butterfly-soft caresses drives me wild. I’m putty in their hands, a moaning mess of need and horniness.

The cool air in the room is kissing my fevered skin. I feel exposed, vulnerable in the best possible way. These men could shatter me, break me apart with a touch, but instead they worship me like I’m something precious.

“Stunning,” Alex murmurs as his fingers graze the lace edge of my bra. “Absolutely fucking exquisite.”

Ethan hums in agreement, his hands skating down my sides to rest on the swell of my hips. “I could stare at you all day, baby. You’re a goddamn vision.”

Liam presses open-mouthed kisses along the column of my neck, his teeth scraping deliciously against my shivering skin. “So sweet,” he rumbles. “Can’t wait to taste every inch of you.”

Their words wash over me, filling me with a glow. I’ve never felt so desired, so cherished.

Then my blindfold is gently pulled off and Alex stares me straight in the eye as he rasps out, “kneel,” breaking my trance. And I instantly obey, the carpet soft under my knees. I look up and he’s fucking devouring me, his blue eyes glinting with dark promises.

“Good girl,” he rumbles, and something warm unfurls inside me. Shit, I’m really doing this!


As Ava sinks to her knees in front of us, I feel my breath catch in my throat. The sight of her looking up at us with those beautiful big, trusting brown eyes, her full lips slightly parted in anticipation, is enough to make my cock strain against my slacks.

I let my eyes roam over her curves, drinking in the way her big tits almost spill out of her lacy bra, the swell of her hips, her thick thighs… She’s the perfect combination of sweet and sensual, innocent and sexy. My desire for her keeps growing every day, every minute, every second.

Alex takes a step forward, his presence commanding as always. “You look so fucking beautiful like this, Ava,” he murmurs, reaching out to tuck a strand of her soft hair behind her ear. “So fucking eager to please.”

Ava shivers at his touch, her breath quickening. “Thank you, sir,” she whispers, her voice soft and breathy.

I exchange a glance with Ethan, seeing my own hunger reflected in his eyes. We’ve fantasized about this moment countless times, imagining what it would be like to have Ava at our mercy. And now, here she is, kneeling in front of us like a goddamn dream come true.

“We’re going to take such good care of you, sweetheart,” I promise, my voice low and rough with desire. “We’re going to worship every inch of this gorgeous body until you’re trembling with pleasure.”

Ava whimpers at my words, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of pink. I can see the effect we’re having on her, the way her nipples are straining against the thin fabric of her bra, begging to be touched, pinched, sucked…

Ethan steps forward, his hand coming to rest on the back of Ava’s neck. She arches into his touch, her lips parting on a soft gasp.

“So fucking perfect,” Alex rumbles, his thumb brushing over her bottom lip. “And if you can’t speak for any reason, you can tap one of us three times, and we’ll stop immediately.”

“Okay,” Ava agrees, her gorgeous eyes wide and trusting.
