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As we drive through the city, the guys keep up a steady stream of conversation, trying to make me be at ease. But under the surface, I can feel the simmering tension, the unspoken desires that crackle between us like a live wire.

Finally, we pull up to a tall building. My heart pounding as we exit the car and make our way inside, the click of my heels echoing in the vast space.

* * *

My fingers tremble slightly as I grip the sleek silver pen. The contract before me feels like it’s pulsating with its own heartbeat, each line a promise of untold pleasures and unexplored desires. With a shaky breath, I write my signature on the dotted line—Ava Soto, now officially a member of Club Sin. I have proof of a clean bill of health and contraception. I’m ready to go, and now anticipation fills my entire being.

“Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime, sweetheart,” Alex says, his breath caressing my earlobe. His hand finds the small of my back, a solid heat that steadies me. I can’t help but shiver under his touch, a mix of nerves and excitement sparking down my spine.

“Damn right,” Ethan chimes in, his smile wicked enough to make a nun blush. “You’re about to find out what fun really means, baby girl.” His eyes sparkle with mischief, and I wonder if he can sense the whirlwind inside me. The curiosity mingled with a hint of apprehension.

“Trust us,” Liam adds, the low timbre of his voice resonating deep inside me. He stands a little apart, always the enigmatic observer, but the intensity in his dark gaze is anything but detached. It feels like he sees right through me, to the core of all my hidden cravings. And I can’t fucking wait to see his.

We step into the elevator together, and I hesitate for a moment, caught between my old life and this new, insane path. The doors close with a soft whisper, sealing our ascent to the high-rise club. Alex’s hand never leaves my back, a silent reassurance that says he’s got me, no matter what.

“Remember, Ava, you call the shots,” Liam reminds me.

“Except when you beg us to take control,” Ethan teases, waggling his eyebrows, and I can’t help but laugh, the sound light and free. It’s all so surreal—the contract, the club, these men who are both my bosses and… well, I’m still figuring out what else they are.

The elevator dings, announcing our arrival. I step out, flanked by three pillars of male confidence, their strides assured. Alex with his commanding aura, Ethan with his irrepressible charm, Liam with his silent strength—they’re temptation in the flesh, and I’m right at the center of it all.

“Ready?” Alex asks, his eyes locking with mine, offering a glimpse of the world that awaits beyond the polished doors of Club Sin.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I reply, pushing past the last remnants of doubt. This is it, the moment I’ve been dreaming of and dreading in equal measure. But as I look at them, I realize I wouldn’t want to dive into this new chapter with anyone else. Shit, am I… do I have feelings for my bosses? Fuck, I can’t think about that right now.

“Then let’s show you,” Liam rumbles, circling an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his strong, hard, warm body.

Oh… somebody’s finally opening up.

We push through the doors of Club Sin, and it’s like stepping into a living fantasy. Plush red carpets mute my steps as I drink in the opulence that drips from every corner. Glass walls shift and shimmer with a kaleidoscope of colors, offering teasing glimpses of private rooms where bodies move in rhythm. Seductive music pulses through the air like a heartbeat that quickens my own.

Liam is standing so close that his breath tickles the side of my face, sending a shiver down my spine. Alex’s hand still brushing the small of my back, a subtle reminder that I’m not alone in this sea of temptation.

“I feel like a kid in a fucking candy shop,” I murmur, my wide gaze transfixed by a ballroom where the word ‘orgy’ doesn’t do justice to the symphony of flesh before me.

“Only the sweetest treats for you, our Ava,” Alex says, his voice low and seductive. It resonates through me like a call to the part that craves to be unwrapped and savored., fucking ravaged He takes my hand, guiding me with a possessive grip that promises he won’t let me get lost in the crowd.

“Or maybe you’re like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole?” Ethan suggests, his green eyes gleaming with amusement. His fingers graze my arm, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “Except this Wonderland is full of much more… dirty adventures.”

I can’t help but laugh, feeling insanely excited.

“Trust us, Ava,” Alex continues, pulling me into a secluded booth behind a door veiled by velvet curtains. “We’ll make sure your first taste of Club Sin is unforgettable.”

“Unforgettable,” I repeat after him, my pulse racing.

Alex’s grip on my hand is firm, unyielding, as he leads me away from the public spectacle of Club Sin and into the private room. The door clicks shut behind us, muffling the distant moans and music, cocooning us in this sanctuary.

The room is a dimly lit haven filled with plush couches and gleaming wood floors. The air is thick with the scent of leather and something else, something primal and raw that makes my body clench with need.

“Welcome to our playroom, sweetheart,” Alex says, his voice a low, seductive rumble. “This is where we’ll be exploring your fantasies, pushing your limits, and making you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly dry. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

Ethan steps closer, his hand skimming down my arm in a feather-light caress. “You don’t have to say anything, baby. Just relax and let us take care of you.”

Liam nods, his dark eyes glittering with promise. “We’re going to start slow. I promise. And if at any point you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, just say the word and we will. No questions asked.”

I nod, my heart swelling with gratitude. These men, as dominant and powerful as they are, truly care about my well-being. They want me to feel safe.
