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A delicious shiver dances down my spine at his words, and I feel my inner walls clench with need. Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into?

Liam stands, holding out his hand to me. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go celebrate.”

I take his hand, letting him pull me to my feet. My legs are wobbly, my entire body thrumming with a heady mix of nerves and anticipation. I can’t believe this is happening, that I’m actually doing this.

Alex and Ethan stand too, flanking me on either side. I feel surrounded, enveloped by their presence, their heat. It’s intoxicating and overwhelming in the best possible way.

“Let’s take this somewhere more private, shall we?” Alex suggests, his hand falling to the small of my back, guiding me towards the door.

Private. Oh god. The word echoes in my head as I let them lead me out of the conference room and down the hall. I’m acutely aware of every touch, every brush of their bodies against mine. It’s electric, and I’m already addicted to the feeling.

We step into the elevator, and as the doors slide shut, I find myself pressed against the wall, Alex’s body caging me in. He’s so close, his breath ghosting over my lips, his eyes dark with promise.

“You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, baby girl,” he murmurs, his hand coming up to brush a stray lock of hair from my face. “But you’re going to love every fucking second of it.”

I whimper, actually fucking whimper, as his words wash over me. I’m so turned on I can barely think straight, my body yearning for his touch, for all of their touches.

The elevator dings, and the doors slide open, breaking the spell. Alex steps back, a smug smirk on his sinful lips, and Ethan takes my hand, leading me out into the hallway.

We stop in front of a door, and Liam produces a key card, swiping it through the lock. The light turns green, and he pushes the door open, gesturing for me to enter.

I step inside, my heart hammering in my chest as I take in the room. It’s a suite, spacious and luxurious. Oh fuck.

“We thought we’d start your training here,” Ethan says, his voice low and rough with desire. “In private, where we can take our time with you.”

Training. The word sends a thrill through me, and I turn to face them, my breath coming in short, sharp gasps. “I’m ready,” I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

And I am. Ready for whatever they have in store for me. Ready to submit, to give myself over to them completely.

Alex steps forward, his hand cupping my cheek, tilting my face up to his. “Safe word?” he asks, his eyes searching mine.

“Red,” I breathe, the word we’d agreed on, the word that will stop everything if I need it to.

He nods, satisfied, and then his lips are on mine, claiming me in a kiss that steals the breath from my lungs. I melt into him, into the kiss, surrendering to the sensation, to the want that’s been building inside me for so fucking long.

Ethan’s hands are on me then, skimming over my sides, my hips, as Liam’s lips trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along my neck. I’m surrounded, consumed, lost in a sea of sensation as they take me apart with their hands and mouths.


It’s been three days since I signed my body and soul over to my three delectable doms, and the anticipation is killing me. I’ve been walking around the office in a constant state of arousal, my panties perpetually damp and my skin buzzing with awareness every time one of them so much as looks my way. Especially after they pulled me into the executive suite and kissed me senseless before sending me back on my way.

But tonight, all that changes. Tonight, we’re finally going to take this thing out for a test drive. And a sister’s ready to rev up her engine.

I’m just putting the finishing touches on my makeup, going for a sultry, smoky-eyed look that screams “take me, I’m yours,” when there’s a knock on my door. My heart leaps, and I take a deep, steadying breath before strutting over to answer.

And holy fucking shit, the sight that greets me nearly brings me to my knees. All three of my men are standing there, looking like they just stepped out of fucking GQ. They’re dressed casually, but the way their clothes hug their muscular bodies is anything but relaxed.

“Hi,” I breathe, my voice coming out all husky and needy. Nice, Ava. Real smooth.

Alex steps forward, his blue eyes raking over me with an intensity that makes my blood heat. “Hi, beautiful,” he croons, reaching out to tuck a stray curl behind my ear. His fingers linger on my skin, sending sparks of electricity zinging through my veins.

Ethan grins, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Ready to have some fun?”

I nod eagerly, my body humming with anticipation. “I was born ready,” I reply, hoping my bravado masks the nervous energy flowing through me.

Liam chuckles, the sound low and rich like warm honey. “Then let’s not waste time.”

They usher me out of my apartment and into a sleek black town-car that’s waiting at the curb. The leather seats are butter-soft against my bare legs, and I can’t help but squirm a little as I settle in. I’m wearing a short dress that leaves little to the imagination, and the cool air from the AC is doing delicious things to my sensitive skin.
