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Alex smiles, his hand sliding down to cup the back of my neck. “Every word, sweetheart.” He exchanges a quick look with his partners before adding, “in fact, we might have a proposition for you. Something we’ve been thinking about for a while now.” His blue eyes languorously travel the length of my body, taking his time, lingering on my chest…

I tilt my head, my brow furrowing. “A… proposition?”

Liam grins, his teeth flashing white against his tanned skin. “We want to help you explore your fantasies, Ava. Want to dominate you, pleasure you, make you scream with ecstasy.” The low rumble of his voice is like a caress all over my body.

What…? I thought… I thought I was the one who was having inappropriate thoughts about my bosses. I thought all they saw me as was their dedicated employee. Well, I noticed some quick glances on parts of my anatomy that HR would definitely frown upon, but I never let myself think too much about it.

Ethan leans in, his breath hot against my ear. “We want to fucking ruin you for any other man,” he growls, his voice rough with desire. “Claim you.”

I shudder, my eyes fluttering closed as a rush of heat and wetness floods my pussy. Holy fuck. Is this really happening?

“But… but what about work?” I manage to choke out, my brain short-circuiting. “Isn’t this crossing a line? A messy one.”

Alex shakes his head, his grip on my neck tightening. “Not if we keep it out of the office,” he says firmly. “Not if it’s something we all want, something we all consent to.”

I swallow hard, my heart pounding so loudly I’m sure they can hear it. This is crazy. This is wrong. This is… every fucking thing I’ve ever wanted.

And as I stand there, surrounded by the three most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on, I feel something inside me snap. Something wild, reckless, and… free.

“Okay,” I whisper, my voice shaking with a heady mix of fear and excitement. “Okay, I’m in. Take me, ruin me, make me yours.”

And as they grin at me, their eyes dark with promise and hunger, I know my life is about to change in ways I never could have imagined.


So, here I am, sitting across from my three insanely hot bosses in a private conference room, trying not to hyperventilate. The air is thick with tension and the heady scent of expensive cologne, making my head spin and my panties dampen. Or maybe that’s just the effect these men have on me. Who knows?

Alex, looking like a damn snack in his navy blue Brioni suit, slides a sleek black folder across the table to me. His dark hair is perfectly coiffed, and his chiseled jawline could cut glass. “What’s this?” I ask, my voice coming out all breathy and nervous. Damn it, Ava, get your shit together!

He leans forward, his blue eyes smoldering like a goddamn inferno. “It’s a contract, sweetheart. Outlining the terms of our… arrangement.” The way he says “arrangement” makes my toes curl and my nipples tighten. Fuck, I’m in trouble.

With trembling fingers, I open the folder and start reading. And let me tell you, this shit is thorough. We’re talking safe words, hard limits, communication, aftercare - the whole kinky nine yards. My heart races as I try to process it all, the implications of what I’m about to agree to.

As I flip through the pages, trying to focus on the words and not the way Ethan’s gaze is burning through my clothes, he clears his throat. Ethan, with his sandy blond hair and piercing green eyes, is the epitome of a golden boy. But there’s a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a hint of danger that makes my blood sing.

“We want you to feel safe and comfortable, love. This contract is all about protecting you and making sure everyone’s needs and boundaries are respected,” he says, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.

I nod, feeling a sudden rush of emotion. These guys, as dominant and alpha as they are, actually give a damn about me. It’s unexpectedly sweet.

Liam, bless his heart, reaches across the table and covers my hand with his. His touch is warm and reassuring, but also exciting, sending shivers down my spine. He’s the most restrained of the three, with warm brown eyes and a rare smile that makes my heart melt. But I know better than to underestimate him. Beneath that gentle exterior lies a man who knows exactly what he wants and how to get it.

“Take your time, baby. Read it carefully, and if there’s anything you don’t understand or aren’t down with, we can talk it through,” he says, his thumb stroking the back of my hand.

So, I spend the next hour going over every detail of the contract, asking questions and expressing my concerns like the badass I am. And they’re patient as saints, explaining each point with care and making sure I’m fully on board.

By the time we’re done, I feel like a fucking queen. Knowing we’ve got all these rules in place makes me feel empowered, like I’m taking control of my desires and my pleasure.

“So,” Alex says, his eyes gleaming with anticipation and a hint of mischief. “You ready to sign on the dotted line, baby girl?”

I raise my gaze at his words, my eyes meeting his, and taking a deep breath, my heart in a fucking riot in my chest. This is it. The moment of truth. Am I really about to sign my body and soul over to these men?

But then I look at them, like really look at them. And all I see is warmth, desire, and genuine care. They want me, not just as a plaything, but as a person. They see me, the real me, and they accept me, flaws and all.

“Yes,” I breathe, my voice shaking with a cocktail of nerves and excitement. “Yes, I’m ready. Let’s do this thing.”

With a hand that’s only slightly trembling, I scrawl my signature at the bottom of the contract, sealing my fate and diving headfirst into this wild, kinky adventure.

The men add their own signatures, and Ethan flashes me a grin that’s pure sin. “Welcome to the dark side, baby. You’re ours now.”
