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I cry out, my body overwhelmed with pleasure and pain.

He thrusts into me, hard and fast, his cock hitting my g-spot again and again.

I’m lost in a haze of ecstasy, my cries mingling with the slap of flesh on flesh and the wet sounds of my drenched pussy.

“Fuck,” Ethan mutters. “She’s incredible.”

“Tightest fucking pussy I’ve ever felt,” Liam groans. My eyes drift to his face and I watch him suck on the fingers he had inside me a few moments ago.

I moan loudly, my inner walls contracting and Alex grunts, “fucking hell! That’s it, baby. Take my cock. Take it deep. You’re fucking ours, now. Our dirty little slut. Come for me. Come for us.”

I scream, my body shattering as the orgasm crashes through me.

Alex growls, thrusting into me one last time before emptying himself inside me.

He pulls out, leaving me trembling and panting.

I can feel his cum dripping down my thighs, mingling with my own juices.

“Jesus,” Liam breathes, his fingers rubbing my sensitive clit. “That was fucking amazing.”

“Yes,” Ethan growls, his voice thick with lust.

Liam pulls me close, his lips on mine, his tongue teasing my mouth. My body presses against his, and I can feel the heat radiating from him, the hard planes of his muscles. He tastes like sin and danger, and I’m lost in the kiss, giving myself over to the sensation.

A hand strokes the back of my neck, and I open my eyes to see Ethan looking at me, his eyes dark and hungry. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I pull away from Liam, breathing hard, and look into Ethan’s eyes.

“What do you want, Ava?” he asks, his fingers trailing down my back, making me arch against him. “Do you want us to take you and make you scream our names until your throat is raw?”

My heart pounds in my chest, and I can feel my pussy throbbing, aching to be filled. “Yes,” I whisper, my voice hoarse. “Please.”

Liam chuckles, his hands moving down my body, cupping my ass and squeezing gently. “So eager,” he murmurs. “We’ll give you everything you want and more, baby. Just tell us what you need.”

I can’t think, can’t speak, my body overwhelmed with desire. All I can do is moan as Liam’s fingers find my clit, rubbing slow, teasing circles around it. Ethan’s hands cup my breasts, his fingers rolling my nipples between them.

“Oh, fuck,” I whimper, my head falling back as Liam’s fingers slip into my wetness.

“That’s it, baby,” Liam says, his voice low and rough. “Come for us, come all over my fingers.”

“Come for us, Ava,” Ethan echoes, his fingers pinching my nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

My orgasm hits me like a freight train, sending me overboard. I cry out, my body shaking as I come, the pleasure almost unbearable.

“God damn,” Liam breathes, his fingers still stroking my sensitive clit.

Ethan groans, his fingers sliding down my body and between my legs, feeling my wetness. “Fuck,” he mutters, his breath hot against my neck.

“Please,” I gasp, the aftershocks of my orgasm still shuddering through me. “Please, I need you inside me.”

Liam laughs, his fingers pushing into me, making me moan.

“Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart,” he says, his voice dripping with desire. “We’ll give you exactly what you need.”

Ethan’s hands cup my breasts, his thumbs teasing my nipples as Liam’s fingers slide in and out of me.

I writhe against them, my body burning with need.
