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And just like that, I’m shattering into a million glittering pieces. Wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me, stealing my breath and blanking my mind until there’s nothing but blissful, white hot pleasure.

Alex cups my breasts, the heat of his hands a delicious contrast to the cool air. His thumbs brush across my nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

Then he leans down, his lips inches from mine. His breath is warm on my skin, his eyes full of desire.

“Tell me what you want, baby. What you need. And we will give it to you. Every dark fantasy, every burning desire. We will fulfill it, and more. We will make you forget everything but the pleasure we bring you. Do you understand? Nod for me, yes or no, that’s all I need from you right now, all I’m asking. Answer me now, Ava. Or I will stop. And the night will end. You will walk out of this room and return to your life. Nothing more will happen. No pleasure. No pain.”

His lips meet mine, silencing the chaos echoing through my mind. He kisses me hungrily, fiercely, his tongue claiming my mouth.

My body melts into his, my nipples brushing against his shirt, sending sparks through me. I can feel his arousal, hard and urgent, pressing against me.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Louder. Say it louder. Give yourself to me. To us.”


He pulls away from me, and I’m left gasping, trembling. My heart pounds, and my pussy aches. I want him, them, everything they have to offer.

“Good girl. Now stand up and bend over the bench. Spread your legs wide.”

I do as I’m told, bending over the padded bench. My breasts press against the cool leather, my ass and pussy exposed to their gazes.

“Fuck,” Liam growls. “Look at her. She’s fucking gorgeous.”

“Beautiful,” Ethan agrees, his voice rough with desire.

I feel the heat of their eyes on me, taking in my naked form. My skin flushes, and I can’t help but squirm, wanting their hands on me.

“Stay still,” Alex commands, his hand caressing the curve of my ass. “You’re ours now, Ava, and we’ll use your body however we want.”

“Please,” I whimper, aching for their touch.

“Soon,” Ethan says. “We have all the time in the world.”

They take their time exploring me, their hands roaming over my body, making me shiver with anticipation.

I gasp as a finger slides between my folds, finding my slickness.

“So wet already,” Liam murmurs, teasing me. “Such a beautiful, greedy little cunt.”

I arch my back, pushing against his hand. I need more, but they’re in no hurry.

They take turns teasing me, sliding fingers and tongues between my legs, making me moan and writhe with pleasure.

When I’m dripping wet and begging for release, Alex finally positions his thick cock at my entrance.

“Beg,” he demands. “Beg me to fuck you.”

“Please,” I plead. “Please, Alex, I need you inside me.”


“I need you… I need your cock. Please, please fuck me, Alex.”

“Good girl.”

With a growl, he slams into me, completely filling me with one single, devastatingly perfect thrust.
