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“You’re so fucking sexy, Ava,” Ethan murmurs, his lips grazing my neck. “I can’t wait to bury my cock inside you.”

Alex observes us from the couch. His cock starting to stir back to life.

A cock pushes into me, hard and thick, and I gasp, the sudden fullness almost too much to bear. Ethan’s fingers rub my clit, and I feel another orgasm building, my body trembling with pleasure.

Liam thrusts into me, his cock stretching me, filling me. I moan, pushing back against him, needing more.

Ethan’s hand grips my hip, his fingers digging into my skin as he guides me, matching Liam’s rhythm.

“Oh fuck, oh God, please, please,” I beg, my voice ragged, my body trembling.

Liam groans, his hands gripping my hips, his fingers digging into my skin.

“Fuck,” Ethan mutters, his voice strained, his fingers rubbing my clit in furious circles.

“Come for us, Ava,” Liam gasps, his cock pounding into me.

Ethan’s fingers push me over the edge, and I scream, my body shuddering with pleasure. Liam groans, his cock pulsing inside me.

We collapse onto the floor, a tangle of sweaty limbs and heaving breaths.

“Holy shit,” Liam laughs, his fingers tracing lazy circles on my stomach.

“Fucking hell,” Ethan agrees, his voice still rough with desire.

“Christ,” I gasp, my body still quivering.

Ethan’s fingers trail across my skin, making me shiver.

Liam hums, his hands cupping my breasts, his fingers finding my nipples.

I moan, arching into his touch.

Long after, they hold me between them, their bodies warm and solid against mine. I feel safe, cared for, desired. I’m not sure where this is going, or what tomorrow will bring, but for now, I’m exactly where I want to be.

* * *

Later that night, I discover the guys all live together in a big, sprawling mansion when they take me home after the club.

I step into a steam-filled shower, the water hot and inviting. I’m still sore from earlier, but in the best possible way. The guys are nowhere to be found, so I take my time washing my hair, savoring the quiet moment.

The water cascades over me, the heat seeping into my muscles. I sigh with an entirely different kind of pleasure.

As I’m lathering my body with soap, the shower door slides open, revealing a very naked and very hard Liam. Fuck, he’s gorgeous. All tall, built, and fucking hung. His hard, toned body is a thing of beauty.

“Need some help in there?” he asks in a low, seductive voice. Quiet, shy guy, my ass.

I bite my lip, fighting a grin. “I suppose I could use some assistance,” I reply, trying to keep my voice even.

Liam steps into the shower, his body glistening with water.

He moves behind me, his hands roaming over my skin.

“Turn around,” he says, his voice thick with desire.

I turn to face him; the water flowing down my back.

He pulls me close, his lips finding mine. He kisses me, his tongue exploring my mouth.
