Page 18 of His Savage Longing

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My hands grasp at his back, pulling him closer, my nails digging into his skin. "You do, too, Zane. I love you so much."

His grin widens, and he leans down to capture my lips in another kiss. This time, it's slow and sensual, our tongues sliding against each other as he hovers over me, not moving, just savoring this moment, this joining.

Then, he leans back, tucking his knees underneath and hoisting my legs over his shoulders. His eyes trail down my body to my pussy, and he inhales slowly.

“You look so damn good like this,” he growls.

“Like what?” I ask teasingly, wiggling my ass against him. I’m completely exposed to him, but the idea isn’t scary.

On the contrary, it’s sexy as hell.

“With my cock inside of you,” he murmurs in a low voice. “God, what a pretty pussy.”

He reaches down, then, using two fingers to pinch my clit. I gasp, my walls tightening around him.

“You like that?” he asks.

“I love it,” I tell him. “But you knew that.”

He smirks, looking self-satisfied. “You’re right, I did know that. I know exactly how to make you come.”

To prove it, he pinches my clit again before rolling it between his fingers. I cry out, my eyes drifting closed.

“You’re going to torture me, aren’t you?” I whimper.

Another pinch, another roll, and he says, “Yes, but you like that, too.”

He isn’t wrong. Over and over again, he drives me right to the edge, only to stop, making me grind against his cock, seeking that delicious friction.

His free hand moves up to my breast, squeezing and massaging before finding my nipple. He rolls it between his fingers, sending another wave of pleasure through me.

"Oh god, Zane," I moan. "I'm so close."

"I know," he says, his voice strained.

He continues to work me with his fingers, increasing the pressure on my clit as he watches me writhe beneath him. His cock is still buried deep inside of me, but he doesn't move. My legs tighten around his shoulders, and I can feel myself teetering on the edge of ecstasy.

"That's it, Red," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. "Let go."

With one final pinch and roll of my clit, I do just that. My orgasm rips through me, making my entire body shake as I cry out his name. Zane watches me with a smoldering gaze, his fingers still working me through the waves of pleasure.

As I come down from my high, he leans down to kiss me deeply.

"You're incredible..." I breathe, nuzzling against the damp curve of his throat.

He grins against my skin, the rough pad of his thumb grazing my swollen lower lip in a touch that sparks renewed need in the depths of my belly. "I'm just getting started, Red."

And just like that, the heat flares between us once more. I surge upward to claim his mouth, all teeth and tongues and unbridled hunger, and he finally starts to move inside of me. His cock glides in and out slowly, making me moan into his mouth.

"Fuck, you feel so good," Zane rasps, his breath hot against the hollow of my throat. "Like you were made just for me..."

My answer is a breathless whimper as he withdraws almost fully, only to slam back home in one long stroke that has me arching into the sublime friction. He sets a punishing cadence, every powerful thrust driving me deeper into sweet oblivion.

Zane's mouth is everywhere, branding me with fevered kisses and wordless groans as I meet him thrust for scorching thrust. My nails score lines of fire down his back, legs twining around his hips to take him deeper still. The rough grind of skin on sweat-slicked skin mingles with our breathless cries.

Pleasure spirals higher and higher, the delirious tension coiling tighter with each powerful stroke until Zane captures my lips in a scorching kiss, effectively drinking down my cries as I shatter apart beneath him in another cataclysmic release.

I'm still trembling and mindless in its wake when Zane follows with a hoarse shout, his whole body going rigid as he empties himself in thick, molten pulses. We cling to one another through the blinding intensity, lips and limbs tangled in desperation as our heartbeats slowly regain their rhythm.
