Page 17 of His Savage Longing

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"That entire life—the job, the ambition, all of it... it was about trying to prove something to everyone else. Showing I could make it without needing to rely on anyone, that I was strong and self-sufficient and successful." She huffs out a mirthless chuckle, shaking her head. "But I wasn't happy, Zane. Not really. I was just chasing the kind of shallow validation you can never seem to get enough of."

My throat works hard, the words refusing to form as Aspen continues.

"Being back here with you, reconnecting with this place... it's like I finally woke up from some kind of trance. And I don't want to lose that again," Aspen whispers fiercely. "I don't want to lose touch with the things—the people—that truly make me feel whole and alive."

Her words seem to hover there, hanging on each puff of air between us. I should say something. Anything. But I'm struck speechless in the wake of her confession, that fragile ember of hope flaring brighter with each passing heartbeat.

Aspen doesn't seem fazed by my silence, though. She simply holds my stare, the corner of those full lips quirking in a grin that has warmth blooming through me despite the frigid mountain air.

"So how's this sound—you teach me to reconnect with my wild side and embrace a little more adventure. And I'll help you see that a few modern upgrades to Camp Silverpine won't necessarily corrupt its spirit."

My throat works hard as I process her words, her willingness to meet halfway. She's offering me a lifeline, a chance to meld our disparate halves into something whole.

I should take it. I want to, more than anything. And yet that same insidious voice of doubt persists, whispering that it's too much of a risk. That I'll never be worthy of the kind of happiness she's promising, not after all the hurt I've caused.

Aspen seems to sense the war raging within me. Taking another step forward, she reaches out to brush the backs of her knuckles over the scruff of my jaw.

"Come back to me, Zane," she breathes in that low, throaty rasp that has always been my undoing. "We can do this, you and me. Build something incredible here, the way we always dreamed."

The conviction in her voice is absolute, and suddenly, I'm powerless to resist any longer. I surge forward and crush Aspen to me, tangling my fingers in those glorious crimson tresses to angle her mouth against mine. The kiss is all heat and desperation, an apology and a promise and a vow all blended into a searing brand.

A low rumble builds in my throat, part growl and part groan as I break away to trail a blazing path over the delicate curve of her throat.

"You're sure about this?" I rasp out between heated, open-mouthed kisses. "Because once I've got you out here, all bets are off. I might never let you go again..."

"Then don't," she husks, eyes blazing up at me with naked yearning. "Don't ever let me go again, Zane. I'm yours, always."

Those words are like a brand searing into my battered soul, the absolution I've sought for so damn long. I can feel every last vestige of doubt, every shred of resistance crumbling away as Aspen gazes up at me with utter certainty.

In a sudden whirlwind of movement, I sweep her up into my arms. She gives a throaty peal of laughter as she loops her arms around my neck, and I carry her toward the tent, trading scorching kisses with every step.

There will be no more running. No more self-imposed exiles or anguished separations. We've both wandered too far down those lonely paths for far too long. From here on out, it's just us—two soulmates reunited in the untamed wilderness that first ignited our passion.

And this time, nothing and no one will ever tear us apart again.

Chapter 9


The canvas walls of the compact tent billow and sway as Zane sweeps me over the threshold in one fluid motion. My laugh morphs into a soft moan as his mouth claims mine in a searing kiss.

My back hits the bedroll with a muffled thump, Zane's solid weight pinning me in the most deliciously possessive way. He props himself up on one forearm to drink me in with that smoldering gaze that still has the power to liquefy my insides.

Our hands move frantically, tugging at clothes and clawing at each other's skin, desperate to feel more, to have more. We've learned each other's bodies, memorized every curve and dip, and now we're moving with a familiarity that only intensifies the heat.

I reach my hand into his pants, feeling his hard length through his boxers. He responds by sliding his fingers through my slick folds, making me gasp.

"You're already so fucking wet," he murmurs against my ear.

"Yeah, well, you have that effect on me," I breathe, my body arching up to meet his touch.

"Fuck, Aspen," he rasps out between heated kisses, "I need to be inside of you."

He manages to tug my pants down just enough, and I wriggle out of them, kicking them off my ankles. I'm left in just my lace panties, the damp fabric clinging to my skin. Zane's eyes darken with desire as he takes me in, his hands skimming up my thighs, pulling my panties to the side.

He positions himself at my entrance, and with one smooth thrust, he's inside, filling me. We both pause, panting, our eyes locked on each other. It's a relief to have him inside of me, to be completely consumed by this man I've loved my whole life.

"You feel so fucking good, Red," he murmurs.
