Page 19 of His Savage Longing

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It's only after long, suspended moments that Zane eases his weight to the side with a rasping groan, tucking me into the curve of his sweat-slicked body. I'm utterly spent yet deliriously content, basking in the afterglow with a languid stretch as he nuzzles into the curve of my throat.

"Have I told you yet how damn amazing you are?" he says, the rich timbre vibrating through me in a way that sparks fresh tingles low in my belly.

I tilt my head back just enough to meet the smoldering heat of his stare, my lips curving in a slow smile. "Just wait till I start working my magic out on the trails and climbing sites again. You haven't seen anything yet."

That wolfish grin of his flashes, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Is that so? Well, in that case..." He rolls me beneath him again in one smooth movement. "I'll be sure to keep you nice and exhausted so you don't outpace me too much, Red."

My laughter is breathless as he nips a heated path along my throat, already working to drive me into a frenzy once more. "You're on, Bishop. Just don't forget who showed you all the best trails around here in the first place."

Zane rumbles out a deep laugh against my skin. His fingers toy with the damp tendrils of hair at my nape, tilting my chin up to meet his stare.

"I could never forget," he murmurs. "Not after everything we've been through to make it back to this moment."

My palm curves over the roughened plane of his cheek in a tender caress as I simply hold Zane's stare, letting the weight of everything left unspoken between us hang in the air.

He seems to understand, pressing his brow to mine with a shuddering sigh. We lay there tangled together for long, suspended moments, our mingled breaths evening out into a shared rhythm. It's only then that I find the courage to give voice to the fragile dream taking shape between us.

"You know..." I murmur, trailing my fingertips in idle patterns over the tanned cords of his bicep, "We could really do this. Bring Camp Silverpine back to life in a way that honors both our visions for the place."

Zane hums softly, tilting his head to better study my features. There's no judgment or skepticism in his stare, only that quiet, steadfast focus I've always adored.

"A balance of old and new—rustic charm blended with modern amenities and marketing savvy to draw in a wider client base," he surmises after a thoughtful pause. "Maybe even some expanded program offerings beyond just the traditional outdoor survival stuff."

I can't quite suppress my delighted grin. "Exactly. We could offer specialized retreats and clinics for things like yoga and mindfulness in nature, culinary foraging and cooking over campfires, maybe even some couples romance packages."

A low rumble of laughter escapes him as I trail off, giving him a playful shove that only makes him chuckle harder. "Hey now, don't knock the idea until you've seen the full vision!"

Zane sobers after a few more beats, his smile softening into something more reverent. "I'm listening, beautiful. And you're absolutely right—this could be bigger and bolder than anything Camp Silverpine's ever been if we put our minds to it."

My breath catches at the naked conviction in his tone, the utter certainty that we can manifest this dream into reality if we're united in our purpose. That fragile spark of hope flares brighter with each passing second, banishing any lingering shadows of doubt.

I kiss him again, and he groans against my lips, large hands roaming the curves of my body as I arch into his solid frame. The kiss deepens, growing hungrier and more heated until we're both panting.

"God, I want this," I gasp when we finally break apart, foreheads pressed together as we both struggle for air. "All of it—this place, our plans, this life with you..."

A low chuckle rumbles from deep in Zane's chest as he nuzzles the curve of my throat, worshiping the sensitive skin with a trail of kisses. "Careful, Red. I might just hold you to that."

"That's the idea," I breathe with a wicked smile.

We dissolve into a breathless tangle of limbs and fevered kisses once more, already caught up in the thrill of the next grand adventure. Because out here in the vast, untamed wilderness that first catalyzed our passion, there are no limits. We're to forge the bold, unconventional life our hearts have yearned for since we were inseparable summer camp soulmates.

The rugged frontier stretching endlessly in every direction is our blank canvas now.

All that remains is to blaze our trail into the great unknown, side by side, and embrace the boundless adventures awaiting us both.



The early morning sun casts a warm glow over the revitalized campgrounds as I make my final rounds. My boots crunch over the freshly raked gravel paths winding between the newly refurbished log cabins. I inhale deeply, savoring the crisp mountain air laced with the earthy scents of pine and wildflowers.

Everything is prepped and primed for the grand re-opening day at last. All the facilities and amenities have been meticulously restored to their former glory—and then some. The rustic climbing walls and high ropes courses practically gleam with fresh lacquer. Vibrant banners emblazoned with the iconic Camp Silverpine logo flutter atop each carefully maintained outpost cabin.

I can't resist cracking a smile as I pass the new yoga pavilion in a sun-dappled glade. Who would've thought I'd ever greenlight something like that? But Aspen's vision to blend traditional outdoor skills programming with modern wellness offerings was pure genius.

Speaking of that gorgeous redhead... my breath catches as she emerges from the office cabin, all tousled copper hair and radiant curves in a figure-hugging tank top.

"Mornin'," I call out with a wolfish grin, shamelessly drinking her in as she crosses the grounds toward me. "You're up early for somebody who had me up half the night."
