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I push through the scratchy thicket to find her crouched on the narrow game trail, peering intently at some indentations in the soft earth, gently brushing pine needles with her delicate fingers.

"These look like pug marks!" She glances up at me. "Fairly fresh, too, if the depth and definition are any indication. We should follow this."

A slow grin tugs at my lips before I can stop it. Goddamn if her enthusiasm isn't as infectious as it is adorable. Still, I quickly sober and give a curt shake of my head.

"Uh-uh, no way we're heading any further down that overgrown path. Too risky."

Her face falls in dismay. "What? No, my research depends on—"

"Your research won't mean shit if you get yourself mauled or broken out here," I growl, cutting her off. "That game trail's too narrow and choked with debris. One wrong step and you could go tumbling down a ravine or stumble onto a bear den. I’m not risking either of our hides for your curiosity."

Rhylee's jaw clenches mutinously, those full lips pressed into a stubborn line. "This is precisely why I hired an expert guide—to keep us safe while pursuing any and all leads. If you can't handle that, then I'll—"

"You'll what?" I snap, taking another deliberate step forward until the toes of my scuffed boots nearly brush her knees. She flinches but holds her ground, craning that slender neck back to keep her defiant glare locked on me.

Christ, she's got fire in her, I'll give her that. But the little fool has no idea the dangers she's risking out here in my territory. She sees it all as some big academic lark through the woods, blinded by her naivete and those lofty ambitions.

I ought to just toss her cute little ass over my shoulder and march her right back to the safety of that dive bar I found her in. Save us both a world of hurt and trouble before she gets in over her head.

But I'm too late. She's already pushing to her feet and taking a few tentative steps away from me, down the path, eyes on the ground.

Gritting my teeth, I plunge after the reckless girl, batting aside the tangled underbrush with more force than necessary. "Rhylee, stop."

But she doesn't even break stride, just ducks under a low-hanging branch and disappears around a sharp bend. The rustle of her footsteps fading away stokes the slow burn of anger simmering in my gut.

I round the corner to find the game trail has grown even narrower between the dense foliage, the uneven earth treacherously obscured by a carpet of dead leaves and debris. Rhylee is just visible up ahead, weaving her way deeper into the thicket with single-minded determination.

A twig snaps beneath my boot, and she whirls. "I told you, I can take care of myself just fine. I've been in hazardous field conditions countless times before without incident. This is no different."

The blatant lie makes me scoff darkly. "Is that right?”

She falters under my hard stare, worrying her plump bottom lip between her teeth again. Christ, I want to yank it free with my thumb, run the calloused pad over the silky flesh and...

Clenching my fists to dispel the inappropriate urge, I lean in until she has to crane her neck further, until our bodies are nearly brushing. Despite the warmth of the afternoon, I catch her slight shiver.

"Listen up good, Doc," I rasp, voice dropping to a dangerous rumble. "Out here, you're in my world. My rules. And I say we turn our asses around before you wander us into real trouble, you hear?"

Her eyes burn behind her smudged lenses, dancing with a heady mix of anger, defiance... and something darker. Something that makes the hairs prickle on the back of my neck with awareness.

"And if I refuse?" she breathes.

My jaw ticks as I struggle against the unexpected, visceral need to put the obstinate girl in her place.

But the moment is shattered by a loud crunch, like splintering wood. Rhylee’s eyes go wide, her mouth forming a startled 'O' as the ground gives way beneath her feet, and she starts tumbling backward with a shriek.

"Rhylee!" I lunge without thinking, snagging her wrist as she disappears over the edge of the narrow trail and into the underbrush. The force of her fall yanks me off balance, and I slam into the ground hard, skidding through the crackling leaves and branches.

I manage to catch myself just before plunging over the side of the ravine after her. My free hand digs into the dirt as I strain against her weight. Rhylee dangles below me, eyes squeezed shut and chest heaving in panicked gasps.

"T-Tucker..." she whimpers, and something deep in my chest clenches at the raw fear saturating that breathless voice.

"Just hang on," I grunt through gritted teeth, my biceps bulging with effort as I fight to haul her back up to safety. "I got you..."

With one last heave, I yank her up and over the edge. Rhylee tumbles against me in a jumble of limbs, her soft curves colliding with my chest as she clings to me in desperation. The scent of her surrounds me—sweet and floral, mixed with the sharp tang of adrenaline and sweat.

We're both panting hard now, our ragged breaths mingling in the scant space between us. Her eyes bore into mine, filled with a heady cocktail of fear, relief... and a dark hunger that sends a jolt of lust searing through me.

Suddenly, I'm hyper-aware of every tantalizing inch pressed against me. The supple swell of her breasts against my chest. The lush weight of her thighs bracketing my hips. The scorching heat of her core a mere whisper from the growing ridge of arousal.
