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Rhylee seems to feel it, too, her eyes fluttering closed as a breathy moan slips past those full, parted lips. My cock twitches at the sound, straining against the denim's rough confines. I could take her right here, right now... stake my claim on her soft flesh…

The thought alone is enough to make my head spin, my blood thundering in my ears like a war drum. This insane hunger, this driving need, it's more than just pent-up celibacy. More than just an ache to bury myself in her lush curves until we're both spent and sated.

It's like she's awoken something ancient in me. Some feral, possessive instinct I've never felt before. A burning drive to make this woman mine in every sense of the word.

But just as quickly as the haze of primal lust descends, it lifts as Rhylee stiffens, shoving against my chest to scramble back and break the heady spell.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammers, unable to meet my eyes as she brushes herself off, movements jerky and flustered. "That was... that was my fault. I shouldn't have wandered off the path like that. You were right."

My jaw clenches hard as I push to my feet, tamping down the swirling vortex of need, frustration, and anger roiling inside me. Mostly with myself for allowing this strange pull toward the girl to cloud my judgment so perilously.

But I refuse to let this foolish attraction put us both at risk, to turn me into the kind of reckless, rutting beast that would get us killed out in these hills.

No, I'm stronger than these primal urges. I'm in control of myself and this situation, not some wild animal to be tamed and led around by a pretty girl. I'll finish this damn job, get her precious research done, and then haul her happy ass back to safety and civilization. Then, I'll scrub her from my mind and body once and for all.

"We're done exploring for today," I growl, turning to stalk back down the treacherous game trail toward the main path, my tone leaving no room for argument. "Get your shit together and keep up. We’ve got ground to cover before nightfall."

Rhylee hesitates, that full lower lip caught between her teeth again. Then she nods, falling into step behind me without a word of protest as we retreat from the ravine, the moment of madness, and whatever the hell just transpired between us.

But I can still feel the phantom echoes of her warmth and softness seared into my flesh. Can still taste the tang of our mingled breath on my tongue. And as the shadows grow long around us, that same primal part of me swears it caught the briefest whiff of her desire, thick and musky and utterly intoxicating.

I clench my jaw harder, my strides lengthening to put as much distance between us as possible. This is going to be one long-ass nature hike.

Chapter 3


The steady crunch of Tucker's boots against the leafy trail fills the silence between us as we press deeper into the wilderness. My own steps falter more frequently, boots snagging on gnarled roots or loose pebbles that send me stumbling. But I refuse to voice any complaints.

Not after the disastrous ravine incident. Tucker hasn't said a word since his gruff command for me to get my "shit together," but the stormy tension radiating off him speaks volumes. I can still feel the ghost of his powerful arms around me, the scorching heat of his hard body pressed against my curves.

And even more disconcerting, the dizzying rush of desire that had surged through me at our proximity.

My face warms at the memory, and I quickly push it aside, clearing my throat. "So, how long have you lived out here?"

A muscle ticks in Tucker's clenched jaw, but he doesn't break stride, keeping his eyes trained forward. "Born and raised."

When he doesn't elaborate, I prompt him further. "In the mountains?"

"My folks were mountain folk through and through." A wistful note creeps into his deep rasp. "Dad was a legendary tracker, one of the last true wilderness guides still practicing the ancient ways of reading the land. Taught me everything I know about surviving in this harsh country."

I find myself leaning in, captivated by the rare glimpse into his inner world. "That must have been an incredible way to grow up."

"Ain't no other life I'd trade it for," he rumbles. The hard planes of his face soften ever so slightly as he glances around at the towering evergreens surrounding us. "Learned more wisdom from these hills than any classroom or book could ever teach."

A strange pang tugs at my heart—a mixture of envy and longing for the kind of profound connection with nature that Tucker exudes from his very core. My own upbringing couldn't have been more different, sheltered away in the sterile confines of urban academics.

"That's an incredible gift," I murmur.

He glances sidelong at me, those vivid hazel eyes glinting. "Yeah, well, I reckon most folks'd find my way of life pretty primitive. Roughing it in the wilderness ain't exactly a picnic."

"Oh, I don't doubt that for a second," I assure him with a small laugh. "I'm well aware of the harsh realities you face. But there's also an undeniable beauty and wisdom to be gleaned from full immersion in the wild."

Tucker grunts in grudging agreement but then holds up a hand. His head cocks to the side.

"You hear that?" he rumbles after a pregnant pause.

I strain my own senses but catch only the usual forest ambiance—the chirp of birds, the creak of towering pines swaying in the crisp breeze. Then it registers: the unmistakable rush and gurgle of flowing water up ahead.
