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I can practically hear her scowling at my back as she hurries to catch up.

"That's a terribly arrogant attitude," Rhylee huffs once she falls into step beside me. "This land is a precious, unspoiled habitat that should be cherished. Not taken for granted by those of us lucky enough to experience its wonders up close."

I glance sidelong at her, my lips twitching in a reluctant half-grin. She's cute when she gets all riled and defiant like that. Like a feisty little kitten baring her claws at a wolf.

"I’m not taking nothin' for granted, Doc. But I know this place like the back of my hand. Practically got the entire Silverpine etched into my soul."

We hike on in silence for a while, the only sounds our boots crunching over the rocky trail and her occasional heavy breaths from exertion. The path quickly grows more treacherous as we leave the tamed section behind.

Towering pines close in around us, their thick boughs filtering the sunlight into slanting shafts of dusty gold. The sweet, loamy scent of the forest floor mingles with a crisp, green tang that always makes me inhale deep. Like Mother Nature herself is welcoming me home. I feel the usual sense of peace wash over me the farther I press into the heart of these primordial woods.

Rhylee, however, doesn't seem quite so at ease. Her brow furrows in concentration as she carefully picks her way over the uneven ground, muttering little gasps and curses whenever her boots catch on a gnarled root or loose stone.

"How much farther?" she pants after a while, pausing to wipe a trickle of sweat from her temple.

"We're barely two klicks in. Got a long haul ahead to reach the research zone." I smirk at the dismay that flashes across her features.

"Oh. I see." She worries that plump bottom lip between her teeth, and I feel an unexpected flare of warmth in my gut. "Well, I won't slow us down."

With that, the stubborn little thing squares her shoulders and resumes the trek, determination etched into her delicate features. My eyes linger a beat too long on the enticing sway of her round hips beneath that thin, sweat-dampened flannel before I force my gaze ahead.

Christ, what's gotten into me? Sure, it's been too damn long since I've had a warm woman under me, but I've never been one to get so riled over a pair of pretty eyes and a sweet ass before. This is just some brainy little academic here to do her nature walk, not some wild frontier fantasy to indulge in.

I snort at the thought. As if any proper civilized female would want anything to do with an untamed brute like me. Shit, half the time, I'm not sure I even want anything to do with other people, let alone all the messiness and heartache that comes from tangling with the fairer sex.

No, it'll be better for everyone if I keep my head down and get this job done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Get the girl her research, then send her tripping back to her cozy university life, no harm done.

"So you must have extensive knowledge of the local species," Rhylee pipes up again, jolting me from my wandering thoughts. "What sort of wildlife are we most likely to encounter out here?"

I glance over at that inquisitive, bespectacled face, so open and earnest. Despite my usual gruff indifference when it comes to entertaining the ignorant ramblings of flatlanders, I find myself wanting to engage with her. To share my world with those curious eyes shining up at me.

"Bears are the main danger, especially this time of year when they're looking to pack on the pounds. Had a few too many run-ins with ornery Grizzlies myself over the seasons." I pause to let that warning sink in, but the girl doesn't so much as flinch. She's listening intently, utterly rapt. A small grin tugs at the corner of my mouth before I continue.

"Course, there are packs of wolves to contend with, too, plus the usual assortment of critters like elk, moose, and coyotes. And if we're lucky, we might just catch a glimpse of the mountain lions you're lookin' to study up close."

"Truly?" Her face lights up. "Oh, that would be extraordinary! Have you encountered them before? I’d love to pick your brain about their hunting patterns, behaviors, den locations... any insight would be invaluable to my research."

"Easy there, Doc,” I interrupt. “Just keep those pretty eyes peeled, and let me worry about finding your ghost cats, alright?"

A faint blush tinges her high cheekbones as she nods meekly. "Yes, of course. I'm getting ahead of myself. You're the expert here."

The words come out a bit more wistfully than she probably intended, and I feel an unexpected pang of sympathy for the girl. For all her book smarts, she's so painfully out of her element.

I can tell she's trying to play it cool and confident, but as the day wears on, the slight tremor in her limbs gives away her exhaustion at the grueling pace. Those soft, feminine curves were never meant to be hauling such heavy gear across these jagged, unrelenting hills. I'm honestly shocked she's held up this well without crumbling.

A strange sense of protectiveness flares up in my chest. An urge to shield her from the savagery of the wilderness. To let her revel in its raw beauty without having to endure the cruel realities of survival out here.

The hell is wrong with me? Since when do I give two shits about coddling some helpless city slicker out in my territory? That's a good way to get her mauled by the first grizzly she stumbles across.

No, if Rhylee insists on traipsing into my domain, she'd best toughen up and learn quickly. I'll make sure she stays alive and all... but I’m not about to coddle her soft, lush curves or those big, vulnerable doe eyes.

"Keep an eye out up ahead," I grunt, gesturing toward a narrow game trail branching off the main path and disappearing into a tangled thicket. "Might be worth checking for any sign of your lions."

"Oh, yes! Of course!" Rhylee immediately perks up, her weariness forgotten as she scrambles ahead to investigate. I trail after at a more leisurely pace, my gaze lingering a bit too long on the delicious way that luscious ass sways with each eager stride.

Goddamn, I need some cold water splashed on my face. Get my fool head out of the damn gutter before I do something stupid.

"Tucker, over here!" Rhylee calls out excitedly from up ahead, her voice muffled by the dense tangle of underbrush.
