Page 42 of Beast & Bossy

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I wasn’t entirely sure what came over either of us. There was a connection there, a vibrating chord that was about to snap. She picked at the last of her food as she continued to cross and uncross her legs. I swiped a little bit of au jus that had trickled down from her lips; I wanted to avoid another olive oil-like incident. The dirty talk had calmed a bit, but not the tension, not the need for her.

I took it upon myself to order a small dessert to share. I was already full, and anything heavy would easily tip me into food coma territory, rendering me useless if she truly wanted me to fuck her senseless the second we got back to the hotel.

I couldn’t help but feed her the whipped cream. That was far too sexy to pass up.

The moment the bill was paid, we were out the door and down the elevator, climbing into the back of a private car. I couldn’t stop myself from touching her, from pushing my hands up into her hair and pulling her into my lap. I kissed her greedily, hungrily, devouring every inch of her lipstick-covered mouth.

“Seatbelts,” the driver said.

“Mind your business and you’ll still get a tip,” I snapped, taking a moment to breathe and pulling a wad of hundreds from my breast pocket. I chucked them aimlessly into the front seat.

I needed her in any way she’d let me have her. I showed that to her with my hands, my mouth, my fistfuls of her hair, and the hardness of my cock. Whatever it was that was washing over me like a flood crashed over her as well, all inhibitions gone, her dress halfway down her torso and her fingers working at my buttons. She’d let me fuck her in the back of the car if I wanted to, driver be damned.

Lottie noticed the car had stopped before I did. I was too busy filling her with two of my fingers, too busy imagining it was my cock. She gasped for breath, one hand pressed hard against my throat. “We’re here,” she croaked, her voice breaking. But the moment was too sweet, too delicious for me to care about the words. “Hunter.”

The door beside me swung open. “Please get the fuck out of my car.”

Breathing through the haze, I slid my fingers out of her. Wiping them on my slacks I wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling up her dress with my free hand before dragging her out of the car with me. “Apologies,” I said, wiping my grinning mouth with the back of my hand as the driver glared at me.

“You better not have left a mess.”

Lottie’s answering giggle told me that she’d probably leaked onto the leather seats. Christ.

I didn’t care that I probably had lipstick on my face. Didn’t care that my shirt was half unbuttoned and untucked, that my cock was so swollen it ached. I pulled her stumbling frame into the lobby and around the corner to the elevators, hoping to God we wouldn’t have to wait long.

“You look ridiculous,” she laughed, her smile all teeth and truth. Her lipstick was smudged across her chin, her hair knotted, and one shoulder of her dress was hanging off.

“So do you.”

She practically climbed me the moment the doors shut. Her mouth on mine, her hands in my hair, one leg hooked around my hip. I was half tempted to fuck her right there, to take that chance of the elevator stopping on a random floor, a crowd of horrified people waiting to go up.

“I need you,” she whined, her fingers digging into the sides of my neck. She bit at my jaw, sinking her teeth in gently and tugging at it. “I need this.”

“Patience,” I laughed, though I knew I had none either. “We’re almost there.”

“I don’t care.” One hand went to my belt, fumbling with the clasp, but I covered it with my own to stop her. Although I was more than keen for a repeat of what happened in my office, we were too close to making it to the room without a public indecency charge.

I could use her weakness against her, though.

I slid my hand around her throat, loving the little squeak she made as every part of her stilled. “You can wait,” I said, coating my words in confidence, treating it like a demand. “Unless you want carpet-burned knees, you will wait.”

Her eyes widened. The elevator dinged.

I thanked whatever higher power existed that no one was waiting for the elevator as we stepped out, Lottie’s hand locked in mine. It took us all of two seconds to get inside the suite before I was on her like a lion pouncing on its prey.

To the left of the door, the kitchen counter wrapped around the side of the hallway. I kicked the door shut behind us and grabbed her by the waist, spinning her, and pushing her up against the marble. She bent over it on instinct.

“Let’s get this fucking dress off,” I rasped, pulling it up and over her rear. I asked her to stand up straight for a second so I could lift it up and over her head before chucking it on the floor behind me.

What was under her dress was everything I had hoped for and more.

Little straps ran along her torso, her back, connecting to a lacy black thong and garter belt. It was an absolutely sinful little set, one that would have made me hard without even touching her if I wasn’t rock solid already. It made me curious what else was hiding in her suitcase if this was what she considered the least daring.

I didn’t have the patience to take off all of my clothes. But in the time it took me to unzip my slacks and pull my aching cock out, I managed to get a few light little slaps against her ass. “Do you honestly think you can talk to me in public the way you did back there?” I asked. I pulled on the string of her thong, moving it out of the way enough that I could press my head against her entrance. “Do you know how fucking hard you made me, Lottie? I’ll be shocked if the photos from tonight don’t feature an erection.”

She giggled and pushed her hips back against me, slipping me in halfway with a shuddering moan. “What are you going to do about it?”
