Page 43 of Beast & Bossy

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The breaths coming from my nose sounded more like a bull than a human. In one quick motion, I wrapped my hand around the length of her hair, pulling her head back with enough force to make her whine. “I’ll fuck you until you’re screaming, crying, begging me to stop.”

She whimpered as I slid further in. Every part of her felt like heaven, but being inside of her was otherworldly. I’d never experienced anything quite like it, never wanted to keep coming back for more this often, this intensely. I couldn’t think of a single woman I’d been with that I’d been so desperate for.

Only Lottie.

She made me feral.

“Please,” she begged. I fucking loved how often she used that word. It was like it was ingrained in her to beg, to submit. I couldn’t help but oblige.

Using her fisted hair as leverage, I pulled her back to me, slamming myself in to the hilt. She felt like warm, hand-woven silk as I began to thrust with abandon, too much coiled tension inside of me to take her slowly. Every slap of my skin against hers, every moan she made, was music to my ears. Music I wanted to play on a loop forever.

“Harder,” she bit out, one arm outstretched behind her. She grasped onto a panel of my suit jacket, gripping it with enough force to tear a hole in it with her nails. “Please, Hunter.”

My thrusts drove into her harder, my hips under her damn command. Groaning from how good she felt, I snaked my free hand around her hips, finding an unexpected hand between her thighs. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” I growled, wrapping my fingers around her palm and shoving it away from her clit.


I put my palm flat against her lips, my fingertips brushing the base of my cock with every plunge. “So fucking disobedient,” I snarled. “Maybe I shouldn’t touch you either. Just force you to sit back and take it, never giving your clit a goddamn lick of attention.”

“No,” she whined, her slick hand desperately trying to pry my fingers away. “Please, please, touch me. Or let me touch myself. Please. Hunter?—”

Her voice broke off the moment I gave her what she wanted. Her body shuddered, her moans more insistent, more greedy. “Be good and maybe my threats won’t amount to anything.”

I could feel her walls tightening already, could feel the evidence of me playing with her in the car getting her too wound up. She was close, and I still had a ways to go. “Please don’t stop,” she sobbed, every breath a gasp as I fucked her harder, faster, driving her to her breaking point. “Never stop. Never stop. Never stop.”

She was too far gone to ask for any kind of permission. Within seconds she broke, a blubbering mess of pleasure and lust as she practically screamed her release. Her sounds drove me closer even as her walls caved in, pushing me out, out, out?—

“On your knees,” I rasped, pulling her by her hair off the counter. I let go, stumbling back into the wall behind me. If I had any worry that we shouldn’t be doing this, it was long gone, buried somewhere with my fucking dignity.

Lottie’s shaking form dropped to her knees in front of me. I got a look at the lingerie from another view, and holy shit, I wasn’t going to be able to keep my sanity with her. There was no chance, not when she looked up at me like that, her lips parting and wrapping themselves around the head of my cock.

My knees shook as she took half of me in. Her throat opened for me, letting me in just a little bit further, and she held me there while her tongue slid up and down the bottom of my shaft. One hand held the base of my cock, forcing me to stay where I was, not giving any breathing room. She wanted the control.

Fucking sinful.

The light reflected in her glistening eyes as she pulled back, gasping for air with a thick string of saliva hanging between my cock and her mouth. “Christ,” I moaned, my head tipping back against the wall before I realized that I wanted to watch her, wanted this ingrained in my head. I wanted to memorize the way she looked up at me, the way she was so fucking eager to please me.

She didn’t make a sound. All she did was use that mouth for the one thing I’d been imagining since I met her, since I watched her little pout and puckered lips.

Within minutes I was close, unable to hold myself back. I didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to return my head to the wall, but my body was screaming at me, begging me for release. My knees shook. I knotted my fingers in her hair, half a second from pulling her mouth off of me so she wouldn’t feel a need to swallow.

But she shoved me down her throat instead.

I spilled into her, drop after pent-up drop leaking down her tongue. “Oh my God,” I grunted, pulling myself from her the moment she let me. I sunk to my knees in front of her, my head spinning, and wiped the little bit of cum that dripped from the side of her lips. She grinned at me.

“Was that okay?”

I laughed as I struggled to catch my breath. “Christ, sweetheart, that was more than okay.” I took her face in my hands, pressing my lips to hers without a fucking care that she’d just swallowed my cum.

She kissed me just as eagerly, climbing into my lap, straddling me. Our needy hands were all over one another. We needed some time to recover, to calm down, but with every lash of our tongues and every heated sigh, I wasn’t sure if either of us would be recovering yet.

“Why is it like this?” she asked between kisses, her voice breathy as she scratched lightly at the back of my head.

Something twisted in my chest. “What do you mean?”

“This… need,” she clarified, her free hand popping my buttons open one by one. “Is it just me?”

I swallowed. There wasn’t a single part of me that knew how to answer that. This was too perfect, she was too perfect. The farther down this path we walked, the more I was beginning to feel like maybe, maybe some part of this was real. It wasn’t just her, I knew that in my bones. Would it make a difference if I said that? Did it make a difference that she had?
