Page 41 of Beast & Bossy

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Chapter 17


Lottie. My jaw almost dropped to the floor when I saw her. My hands immediately wanted to touch her however I pleased—within reason. I couldn’t think of a single woman, whether that be a model, celebrity, or one I knew personally, that looked as enticing to me as she did in that moment.

My cock twitched. I didn’t know how the hell I would get through dinner without a constant erection with her looking like that.

I almost considered calling and canceling the reservation, but there were two problems with that: my phone was broken, and I’d already anonymously alerted the press to where we’d be. We needed the publicity.

I kissed her in the kitchen. I kissed her in the elevator. I kissed her in the car, my hand halfway up her barely-there dress, a whispered stay quiet in her ear. A part of me believed this goddess of a woman to be some kind of witch. I’d never felt like this before; each time she stood in front of me, every part of me wanted her more—from my cock to my goddamn brain. I couldn’t get enough.

She sat across from me at the small table, her legs crossed. I already knew what was beneath that dress; I’d felt the garter belt and panties earlier. There seemed to be a part of her that was enjoying the attention and I could feel the brick wall crumbling, bit by bit, falling apart in my hands.

The light breeze of the rooftop terrace was a welcome addition to the near unbearable heat in my body.

“Have I told you how incredible you look tonight?” I teased, sipping at my glass of red wine as I leaned back in my chair, my foot tapping against the side of her heel.

“You have. This makes number four, Hunter,” she laughed.

I nodded to myself, trying to contain my chuckle. I looked out at the city below. I needed a distraction, something to give myself a break from imagining her bent over the table with my cock inside of her. The lights of Boulder shone brightly, the panoramic view reminding me of a travel brochure.

“I made the horrible mistake of letting Dana pack for me,” she said, breaking off a piece of bread from the loaf they’d left for us along with a light olive oil and grated parmesan cheese. “Apparently, she thought I wouldn’t need pajamas or casual clothes. Just tight little dresses and lingerie.”

I nearly spat out my wine. “Christ.”

Something snapped within her then. I could tell by the look on her face, by the way her pupils dilated when she looked at me. Lottie’s smirk grew. “Mmm-hmm. There’s this lacy set she packed, entirely red, with cutouts for my breasts. And another that’s just practically a corset?—”

“No, nope, absolutely not,” I interrupted, pressing my hand down against the growing bulge beneath my slacks. “You cannot say that to me. Not here.”

She laughed, her mischievous grin only widening. “What’s wrong?” She leaned back in her chair and slowly uncrossed her legs, giving me just a little peek at the black lace between them through the glass table separating us. After a few seconds, she crossed them again. “Or are you struggling not to think about how good you fucked me in your office?”

I’d already broken my phone. I really hoped I didn’t break the wine glass in my hand as well. I didn’t know what on earth had gotten into her, but whatever it was, it was going to make me explode.

“Can’t get that image of me licking your precum off my thumb out of your head, can you?”

“I swear to God, Lottie?—”

“Or are you thinking of all the things I might let you do to me? Are you imagining what the little set I have on under this dress looks like?” She made stuffing a piece of bread in her mouth look sexy, a little droplet of oil clinging to her lower lip. She swiped it with her thumb, her eyes never leaving mine.

And then she slowly licked it off.

I set down the glass before it inevitably shattered in my palm. Blood was pooling in my cock, screaming at me to bury it somewhere warm and soft and wet. I pulled at the crotch seam, trying to give myself a little more room to breathe, but it was pointless.

“Lottie, if you don’t stop, I swear to God I will bend you over this table right now.” I snapped. My chest rose and fell with each breath, the heat of it reaching its peak.

Her blue eyes grew wide, staring me down, her lips parting in shock, feigning surprise. But then she sank back into seductress Lottie. “What if that’s exactly what I want?”

I could feel my nostrils flaring, could hear the little whistle as I breathed in and out. I might as well have had a gold ring through my nose and been pawing at the ground. “Don’t tease me, Charlotte.”

“Is it teasing if it’s what I want?”

The waiter stepped up to the table. I hadn’t even seen him coming, hadn’t noticed the flash of his white coat and the two plates he carried. He set the main dishes down in front of us, his eyes flicking not very subtly to the tent in my slacks, and scurried off without a word.

I took another sip of my wine and set the glass back down, careful not to keep it in my hand this time. “It’s teasing if you don’t want it right now. Because if that’s truly what you want, sweetheart, I’ll gladly get us a car to the hotel. I’d much rather eat you than this steak.”

Warmth spread across her cheeks in an instant.
