Page 62 of Brute & Bossy

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“Wow,” I said, realizing too late that I’d spoken it out loud. “Sorry, it’s just… your memory is really good today. Normally you struggle with the current stuff.”

She grinned but didn’t say anything, baiting me for a response.

“Yes, I was at a wedding,” I chuckled, rolling my eyes at her impatience. “The sister of the guy I’ve been seeing got married.”

Her eyes bugged as her mouth dropped open. “You’ve been seeing someone? Wait, his sister got married at Colchester Resort? Isn’t that place insanely expensive? Gosh, I have so many questions.”

I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her close. How well she was speaking, the questions she was asking were so unlike the last five years with her that I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was like the old Mom was back, even if it was short-lived. I could hold her, talk to her, treat her like my mom. “Let’s, uh, sit down.”

“Jane, is that Ray?” Dani, her nurse for the day, called from the kitchen.

“Sure is!” Mom said.

I took her hand and led her to the couch, saying a silent thank you to anyone listening because re-runs weren’t playing today. She took her usual seat and I sat next to her, my hand still in hers, ready to tell her anything and everything I could before her cognitive state went away.

“I’m seeing a man named Wade,” I said. “Wade Colchester.”

She blinked at me before the realization dawned on her. “Oh my God, his family owns the resort.”

“He owns the resort. Hence his sister getting married there,” I chuckled.

“Goodness. That is, I don’t even know what to say,” she breathed, eyes wide in wonder as she looked me up and down. “Is he nice? Is he treating you well?”

The backs of my eyes burned, threatening tears. “He’s treating me more than well, Mom. And you, too. He’s the one paying for your care right now.”

“He’s… what?” she asked, her voice breaking on the last word. Her eyes glistened, and she covered her mouth with one hand while clutching mine with the other. “Is he really?”

“Yes. Those pills you're on are insanely expensive,” I laughed, breaking up the emotion as best I could. “He’s more than I could have asked for. It’s all happening really fast, and I’m not entirely sure of the plan going forward since I technically work for him, but I…”

The words were there. Sitting on the tip of my tongue, daring me to say them. Begging me. Tempting me.

“I think I’m falling in love with him,” I said, and holy shit it was too easy to say.

Tears spilled over in Mom’s eyes and I quickly wiped them away. “Oh, honey. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, for you to live your life and be happy, for you to find someone like I did. I hope this works out, sweetheart. I really do.”

“I just feel like it’s all finally coming together,” I said. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and sniffled. “A good job. A relationship. You having such good days. I don’t know how it’s happened but it’s been a fucking great month.”

Mom laughed and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in close, holding me the way she used to when I was little and could fit in her lap. I could stay there, in that moment, forever. I wasn’t entirely sure what the future would bring, but as long as I had stability, Mom, and Wade, I would be happy. I could handle life. I could have the things I wanted while looking after Mom. I could breathe.

Chapter 26


Pushing open the door to Ray’s office, I felt rejuvenated watching her jump as she realized I’d arrived. “Morning, Raven,” I grinned. “Don’t forget we’ve got the cocktail party tonight. Dom’s father is coming.”

“Shit,” she swore, her brows lifting. “I completely forgot. Are you going to get him to sign the contract?”

“Fingers crossed.”

“Okay, uh, I might need to leave a little bit early, then. I don’t have anything to wear. I can go shopping and get something,” she offered. She stood from her desk, her cheeks a deep shade of red from her lack of preparedness. “I’m not exactly dressed for a fancy cocktail party.”

I opened the door fully, stepping into her office with the large shopping bag I clutched between my fingers. “No need. I bought you something already.”

She looked between me and the non-descript bag. “I swear to God, Wade, if there’s a chicken suit in that?—”

I laughed as I set it down on her desk. “It’s not a chicken suit,” I promised, pressing a kiss against her forehead before motioning for her to retrieve her gift.

She pulled out the boxes one by one, followed by a garment bag. Her fingers fiddled with the zipper on the front before she lowered it, revealing the tight black dress I’d bought for her.
