Page 63 of Brute & Bossy

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“Black? Again?” she asked with a sly grin.

“I couldn’t stop thinking of that one you wore at the resort,” I admitted. Her blush deepened.

The shoes were next. Four-inch heels, classy and not too high so that her feet would hurt. Red bottoms. “Louboutin? Jesus.” The smaller box was next. Stockings, thin and sheer, with a solid black line that ran up the back. She hummed over them, slightly less impressed, and seemed suspicious when I pushed the final box toward her. “What’s this?”

“Just open it,” I grinned.

“It’s a chicken suit, isn’t it?” she deadpanned.

“It’s not a chicken suit, baby.”

She lifted the lid and nearly shrieked. “Wade!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew she’d love it, but I also knew she’d be downright awkward about it in the office, and I was entirely correct. Her blush spread down her face, over her neck, her eyes wide and brows furrowed.

“Like it?”

“It’s… it’s beautiful, but what the hell am I supposed to do with it here?” She glanced at the door as she lifted the lacy bra, examining the front and back. Then she inspected the thong, garter belt, and best of all, the discreet little choker that came with it. “I can’t believe you brought lingerie to the office.”

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in, our lips just an inch apart. In truth, I didn’t give two shits if someone walked past the open door or if people found us out. Besides, if they looked at the news they’d have figured it out for themselves already. “I want you to wear it for me tonight,” I whispered, “under that little dress. I want to be the only one there that knows exactly what’s beneath it.”


Twenty minutes after the last person left the office for the day, a shy knock sounded on my office door.

“Let me see,” I called.

She stepped through into the room, every bit of her outfit assembled perfectly, and all I wanted to do was drop to my knees and worship the ground she walked on. The little straps that held the dress up, the way it hugged her every curve, the stockings, the shoes, that choker… the cherry on top was knowing that she was wearing the lingerie I’d picked out beneath it. I was desperate to see it.

“Fuck, baby,” I groaned, tipping my head back and leaning backward in my chair for emphasis. “You look unreal. I could have you right here.”

She grinned as she crossed the room, her heels clicking with every step. “Do we have time?”

I will make time if I have to. It was what I wanted to say, what I ached for, but I bit my tongue instead. “I wish we did,” I sighed, pulling her into my lap in one quick move. “I do have one last little gift for you before we leave, though.”

I tugged open the drawer on my right and pulled the rectangular, velvet black box from it. I slid it into her waiting hands and wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder.

“Open it,” I said.

She flipped the top open. Sitting on a fluffy bed of moss, a platinum chain held a pendant of black diamonds in the shape of a raven with its wings spread wide. She let out a shaky breath as she touched it, almost as if she wasn’t sure it was real, before looking at me. “A raven?”

“For my Raven,” I said.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed. Her hands shook as she tried to release it from where it lay, and I gently helped her, pulling it out from the box with ease. “Will it look okay with the choker?”

“I don’t see why not.”

She lifted her hair so I could place it around her neck. My skin heated as I fastened it in place, my fingers ghosting her flesh, and when she turned herself back around in my lap, I nearly lost my mind. I could worship this woman for the rest of my goddamn life and be happy about it.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She pressed her lips to mine, just briefly, as she touched the pendant around her neck. “I love it. Genuinely.”

You wouldn’t if you knew how much it cost, I thought. I didn’t want her walking on eggshells all evening and never wear it again out of fear she’d break it or lose it, so I kept that to myself. “You’re welcome.”

“I need to call my mom before we go,” she said. “I didn’t tell her I’d be out tonight. She should be fine, I think Dani’s there. But I don’t want her to worry.”

“That’s fine,” I grinned. I kissed her on the nose and lifted her back up onto her feet so I could stand. “I’ll meet you down in the garage. Okay?”

She nodded. “Sounds good.”
