Page 61 of Brute & Bossy

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Parting my lips was too easy when he was the one asking for it. Heavy-lidded, dark eyes met mine as they slid into my mouth, coating my tongue in the sickly sweet taste of myself. I sucked them clean, driving my tongue between them, gathering every last drop.

“So fucking sexy when you do that,” he whispered. “Do you even know what you do to me?”

I sunk my teeth into his skin lightly, playfully, and grinned up at him. “No,” I said around a mouthful.

“No?” he laughed. He situated himself between my thighs as he removed his fingers, slick with saliva. Hands gripped the backs of my legs, lifting them up around his waist. “Look at my cock, baby,” he said. “Look how fucking hard I am.”

I slowly dropped my gaze. He was stiff enough to cut diamonds, a little bead of precum dripping from the end. It was built for pleasure, girthy and long, and I couldn't help but wrap my fingers around it. They didn’t even touch.

“It aches and it’s still raw from last night. I shouldn’t want this again already, but somehow, it’s all I want.” He wrapped his hand around the base of it, wincing. “From the first time I fucked you, this is how it's been. I’ve needed you more times than I can count. I can’t think straight until I’m buried inside of you, and even then?—”

“That’s not normal for you?” I chuckled, shifting my hips up in a silent request for stimulation.

“God, no.”

“Me neither.”

“Good,” he laughed. Lining himself up with precision and poise, he pressed the tip of his cock against my entrance, his precum mixing with my own juices. Slowly, achingly, he slid himself inside until there was nowhere else for him to go. “Fuck, how does it feel better every time?”

“I don’t know.” I reached up, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him down to me. “Don’t ask questions.”

He kissed me as he started to move, pleasure mixing with pain after countless times of doing this exact thing last night, the night before, and the night before that. I couldn’t get enough of him. I could never get enough of him.

Every touch felt more real than anything I’d had before. Every breath, every sigh, every moan. I’d had my fair share of partners, and at least half of them had gotten me over the edge. But none of them, absolutely none, had ever come close to this level of intensity. I wondered if it was the same for him. It had to be, seeing as I was all he could think about, by his own admission.

“Ray,” he moaned, the singular word spoken against my lips.

He cupped my cheek with one hand and got to work with the other. Delicate, quick motions against my clit lit my body on fire, and all I could do was hang onto him for dear life and hope I could breathe through the inevitable outcome.

I didn’t want any of it to end. Technically, the completion of what I’d agreed to was in sight. He had a meeting with Dom’s father tomorrow evening, and conversations between the two seemed to be leaning toward a deal on the investment. Once that was done, well, my job as his partner would be over. That’s what we’d agreed to. But the thing that I was most afraid of—falling for him, getting sucked into him—had happened. When it first started, I couldn’t wait for it to be over but now I found myself dreading the end. I was terrified of it.

“I don’t want to stop,” I whimpered. I didn’t think about the words, didn’t care to. The walls were down and that's where I wanted them to stay. “I don’t want to go back to how it was before.”

Every movement of his body stilled at once. “What do you mean?”

“I want this to be real, all of it.” My fingers trembled as I slowly let go of him, letting him sit up slightly so he could look at me. “After the deal is done. I don’t want to stop. I know how you feel about me and you know how I feel about you.”

He released a shaky breath. Back and forth, his thumb rubbed against my cheek. “Ray…”

“I’ll understand if you don’t want the same.” A knot formed in my throat, too much emotion threatening to overflow. “If you can’t, I get it. I know you’ve been burned before. I just… I want to be with you.” Please don’t turn me down. Please don’t make me go back to how I was before. Please let this be real. Words I wanted to say but couldn’t get past the lump repeated themselves in my head.

His lips crashed against mine, hard, demanding, longing. I could feel the need in him, could taste it on my tongue. I gave him everything I had, matching his ferocity and fueling the burning fire.


“I want that too,” he whispered, and he was moving again. Hips thrusting, fingers touching, breath heaving against my lips. “I want you. I don’t want to stop either.”

Relief flooded through me. I dug my fingers into his hair, holding him to me, trying to keep my eyes from getting too watery. It felt like everything I had ever asked for, everything I had ever dreamed of, had just been handed to me. It was too much yet just enough. I could have him. I could keep him in my life.

He was mine, and it wasn’t an act.


“There’s my favorite girl!”

I dropped my bags in the entryway and looked across the living room. Mom stood, fully dressed and clean, looking more herself than ever. A good day for both of us.

“Where’ve you been, Stingray?” she asked, crossing the room and hoisting my bag up onto the dining table. “Dani said you’d gone out to Colchester Resort for a wedding. Why didn’t you call me?”
