Page 60 of Brute & Bossy

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“Look, he’s just a friend of Zane’s. He said his family owns some big agricultural business, I think,” she explained, far too much patience in her tone, more than I deserved. “I wasn’t flirting.”

“I didn’t think you were.”

“Then what was the problem?” she asked, confusion seeping through her words.

“I don’t want him interested in you,” I rasped, raising my voice so she could hear me over the music. “I don’t want fucking anyone interested in you.”

She blinked up at me, her eyes searching mine. “So you weren’t lying when you said it wasn’t an act.”

“No, I wasn’t fucking lying, Ray.” Calm down. Calm all the way down before you scare her off. “It isn’t an act, okay? This is how I feel about you. And it scares the shit out of me, but it is what it is. I’ve embellished here and there when speaking to others, but the way I’ve been with you… I’ve never been like that with anyone. Not even with Emily.”

Admitting it in detail felt like a weight off my chest. This terrifying, yet beautiful thing I’d unexpectedly discovered was out there now, handed to her on a silver platter to do whatever she’d like with it. I only hoped she didn’t break it.

“I…” she breathed, searching for words I wasn’t entirely sure existed. People mingled about, but in my mind, it was only us, in a far too small, far too loud room. There had to be something there. It couldn’t just be me. Finally, she spoke again.

“I’m not acting either.”

Chapter 25


The feeling of something warm and damp against my neck roused me from sleep. Cloudy sunlight filtered in through the massive floor-to-ceiling window across from the bed, bouncing off the snow and lighting every inch of the world.

“Morning,” Wade rasped, his morning voice rough and rugged. His arm tightened around my bare torso, pulling me closer against his chest, his mouth on my neck. I sighed into him.

We’d come back a day early. Instead of staying three days after the wedding, we’d stayed only two, coming back to Boulder to get away from the intensity. He’d convinced me to stay over at his home instead of going back to mine. He wanted an evening where it was just the two of us, no prying eyes, no family nearby, no one but us.

I’d been just as insatiable as I had been back at the resort. Still was.

He was getting better at reading my body language, his hand sliding down my stomach, dipping between my thighs. “Fuck,” he sighed, his warm breath ghosting the skin of my throat and setting me on fire. “You’re so wet.”

I giggled, gasping as he found the little bundle of nerves. “I was dreaming about you.”

“Is that right?” He pulled my leg over his, opening me up for easier access. His finger dipped inside my entrance, just briefly, teasing me already. “Tell me about it, Raven.”

My hips moved on their own, grinding against his palm as he circled his fingers across where I so desperately wanted them to enter. “We… we were in your shower. The one in there,” I swallowed, pointing a finger toward the en suite bathroom. He’d let me use it last night, and it had been a heavenly experience, to say the least. There were two rainfall shower heads, and all I could think of while scrubbing myself down was what it would be like for him to take me on the shower bench, the water dripping over us, our moans becoming one with the steam. My subconscious mind had told me exactly what it would be like.

“What was I doing to you?” he asked, and just as I opened my mouth to answer, two fingers slid inside of me.

“Fuck,” I groaned. I let my head fall back against him, already aching for him, needing him.

“What else?”

“Smart ass,” I bit out. “You… fucked me on the bench. One leg up, one off. I can still feel my back rubbing against the tile wall.”

“That all?”

His tongue grazed the length of my neck as his thumb met its match against my clit. “Your fingers were in my mouth,” I muttered. My heart thundered as I felt the arm beneath me move. “And you… you didn’t stop when you made me come. You kept going, even though I was squirming and it was overwhelming. Kept fucking me. Didn’t let me calm down.”

“Overstimulation,” he chuckled.

“Yeah,” I breathed. His fingers moved faster, harder, and I dug my nails into the side of his thigh.

“I didn’t know you wanted that,” he hummed, the arm beneath me snaking forward. His fingertips grazed my lips, daring me to let them in. “Do you want that?”

I nodded, and within a second his hands retreated, leaving me desperate and aching for his touch. He rolled me onto my back and whipped the covers off of my bare body, exposing me entirely as he repositioned himself above me.

“Open,” he said. His fingers, covered in my wetness, pressed against my lips. “Clean them for me, Raven.”
