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“Knowing Angelique, it’s already arranged.” Bella said with a wink.

The driver came around the limousine and opened the door for us. “Westfield private airfield?”

“Yes, that’s us.” Roman said and encouraged Chrissy to get in first.

The men loaded up the second limo with our bags and brought their stone circles with them for security.

Angelique came last, but as soon as she slid into the limo with us, Gabe grabbed her up in his arms and hugged her tight.

“Thank you for doing all of this,” I said to her once Gabe had released his grip on her.

“Of course.” Angelique replied. “You’re my family now too.”

We didn’t speak much on the way to the airport, nor on the flight. The plane was expensive, and lovely, but all I could think about was getting to safety before the sun hit.

“How long is the trip to Whitehorse?” I asked.

Angelique’s grimace was embarrassed, “We’re flying to Vancouver first. I underestimated the flight time to the Yukon. It would take us too long to go direct, and with the sun coming up soon I thought it best to do one layover.”

“Oh no problem.” I said, sinking back into my leather chair, feeling relieved. “That sounds good.”

We landed in Vancouver and were taken directly to a large house on a huge country estate.

“Where are we?” I asked Angelique as we got out of the limo once more.

“At a friends house.” She said simply. “I didn’t want anyone to be able to track us, so instead of booking a hotel, I called in some favors.” She walked off to speak to the housekeeper and Nate swept me into his arms.

“We’re safe, my beautiful Beloved. You can relax.”

I chuckled, putting my hands against his chest. “I’ll relax when we have our security team back.”

“Soon.” Roman declared, “I’ll have people waiting for us when we get to Whitehorse.”

We all tumbled into the house and found our bedrooms, but Nate didn’t set up his stone circle by the window.

“What’s the plan?” I asked, “Where are you sleeping for the day?”

“My brothers and I thought we should stay together while we’re here. We’ve always been within a few feet of each other, except at Angelique’s home. It was great waking up to you and only you every day, but there’s a certain... I don’t know.”

I reached up to cup his beloved face. “It’s totally fine. I can imagine it gets lonely when we all go out.”

He kissed me softly, then we headed out into the huge living room with it’s floor to ceiling windows.

“Hmm...” I stared at the glass. “Is this really the most appropriate room?”

“Glass is reflective,” Angelique said. “No-one from the outside can see in. I promise. I’ve been here before.”

“Okay.” I said, feeling a little relieved but unable to shake the feeling that something else was about to happen. I glanced around at the sofas in the room. I hadn’t slept in too long, but I wasn’t leaving Nate. Not tonight. I’d sleep on the floor if I had to.

The brothers all took their stone circles to the edge of the room and set them up close to the windows. It must be close to sun rise, though I had no idea what time it was.

I yawned loudly as I reached for my phone. It was already six, the sun would be up soon. The sofa closest to me was calling my name, so I curled up in a corner and hugged a pillow. I’d snag a blanket from somewhere and sleep here, no problem.

The men were looking at each other with strange looks on their faces.

“Something wrong?” Bella asked, sitting next to me. I didn’t bother telling her that I was going to lie down there soon. I was pretty sure she’d let me sleep with my head in her lap.

“We... ah...” Gabe tried to explain but didn’t seem to know what to say.
