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I frowned at Nate. “What’s wrong?”

Nate held up his arm and stared at his hand. “There’s no tingle.”

“Well, we’re much further north.” Angelique explained. “The sun won’t rise for a bit longer.”

But even as she said it, the night sky began to lighten, the darkness chased away by the sun.

I waited, wanting to see the transformation as I did most days.

The men all stood on their circles, crouching into position when the sun hit them.

Thump, thump, thump. The room was so silent I could hear my heart beating inside my ears.

Bella was on her feet first. “What the...”

All four men remained human, though they weren’t moving.

I tossed my pillow to the ground and staggered to my feet. “Are they... why aren’t they...”

My heart was still pounding, too hard, and too much. I crept forward, stretching out my hand to Nate, who was closest to me.

“Be careful.” Bella whispered.

Angelique and Chrissy were moving towards the men too, but I reached Nate first and gasped. “He’s real.”

My hand grasped his shirt and he moved suddenly, standing up.

I cried out and jumped back as all four gargoyle shifters turned around to look at us. Still human. And the sun had risen.

What the hell was going on now?

Chapter 12.


My mind was spinning like a top. What on earth was going on?

I lifted my hands up, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. “I don’t understand.”

My brothers and I were all... human. And the sun was up.

My Beloved, Rose, reached out for me again. Her hand slid up my arm and she stepped closer until she could touch my face.

Her skin was warm as she touched my cheeks. My eyes slid closed on a wave of wonder and gratitude. Maybe we really had died at the hand of those assassins today and we were indeed, in heaven.
