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“We’re not going far.” She said. “Just over the border. We could pack a bag right now and be there by sunrise.”

She sat on the edge of her sofa, her eyes wide and expectant. “I’m serious. We could all go now. Please. I can’t...” She swallowed hard. “I can’t go through that again either. I don’t want to lose any of you.”

I looked up at Nate. “We could, you know. Won’t take me long to pack.”

Bella turned towards Angelique. “What about your kids?”

“They can travel up tomorrow morning,” she said. “I’ll send the private plane straight back for them and Sharon will bring them. The policemen are staying all night to watch over the house, and if anyone is watching still, they’ll see us all leave.”

I looked around the circle of my family, waiting for someone to say something.

“I’ll be happy to get away from here,” Rafe said, looked down at Bella. “Count me in.”

Nate reached for my hand. “Us too.”

I grinned up at my man as we all agreed. Despite everything that had happened, there was no reason to put off our lives any longer.

“I’ll call the pilot and tell him we’re still on,” Angelique said, “And I’ll go speak to Sharon.”

Jenni, who’d been hovering nearby, grabbed Angelique’s hand and together they went in search of the nanny.

I got to my feet, a little shaky after the day’s events. “It’s cold in Whitehorse, right?”

Bella laughed as she jumped up also. “Oh yeah, we’re gonna need to go shopping I think.”

“Not a problem for you all, I’m sure,” Gabe joked and as a group we all went upstairs to pack and get ready.

The guys put together their clothes and grabbed their stone circles. The other women and I packed up our winter wardrobes.

I pulled on my warmest jacket. “I know this is going to sound weird,” I said to Nate as I sat on the bed so I could pull on my leather boots. “But part of me thinks we’re all dreaming.”

“Or the attack was just a nightmare and we all imagined it,” Nate said, shaking his head, “Trust me, I know what you mean. This is all so... surreal.”

I zipped up my second boot and slid my cell phone into my pocket. “I can’t believe we’re really leaving.”

“I can’t believe we’re getting out of here in one piece.” Nate grinned at me and my ribs squeezed tight.

There were too many emotions hurtling through me to handle at the moment, grief and excitement. Anger and happiness. So, I pushed away the wave of overwhelm then followed Nate out of the room and down into the foyer.

Angelique was on the phone and the rest of the family was waiting with their bags.

“Are we really sure about this?” Roman asked.

I smiled up at my man’s oldest brother. “We can always come back. Like Angelique said. It’s not far.”

“True.” Roman said, reaching out and grabbing hold of Chrissy’s hand. “As long as we have our stone circles, we can go anywhere.”

Lights in the driveway indicated that the cars had arrived. The butler opened the front door with a nod and smile. “Wishing you all safe travels.”

“Thank you,” I said as I walked through the huge front door and made my way down to the stretched limousines. “This is a bit luxurious.”

Gabe jogged down the stairs behind us. “Angelique is overcompensating I think, but hey, why not? It’s not like we don’t have the money.”

I shrugged. “You’re right. And since tomorrow’s my birthday I guess I have money now too.”

Nate put his arm around me, and Gabe grinned at me. “That’s right! We’ll have to throw a party.”

“At our new house in Whitehorse.” Chrissy said, stepping up beside me.
