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Chapter 11.


We helped get the kids filled up with sugar, then read them books until they couldn’t keep their eyes open anymore. We put them to bed in the servants quarters. That area had better locks, less windows, and the police had left several men to stand guard until morning.

We said goodnight and clung together as we made our way back into the house.

Jenni walked up to us, her eyes still red from crying. “Is Mom, okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine,” I told her, grabbing onto Jenni’s hand. She was the only one of all the kids who’d known what was going on at the time of the attack. Most of the others had thought it was some sort of elaborate game.

Jenni’s lip quivered and I said, “How about you come down with us so you can see her yourself?”

Jenni wiped at the tears on her cheeks and nodded her head. I clung to her hand and we walked along the corridor with Bella and Chrissy on our heels.

Angelique was standing by the front door, waving the police off. “Thank you so much for coming so quickly.”

As soon as the door was shut, Jenni ran for her mother, practically knocking her over in an embrace.

“Oh, my big girl,” Angelique crooned. “You did so well, I am so proud of you.”

Jenni promptly burst into tears and my own eyes welled up.

Bella touched my hand to get my attention and inclined her head towards the living room. I nodded and followed. All the men were sitting on the sofas and I joined Nate, wanting nothing more than to climb into his lap and pretend this day had never happened.

“How’s Bill?” I asked, tucking my legs under me and leaning my head onto his chest.

Roman, who was sitting opposite us answered, his white shirt stained with blood, “He’s alive. But barely. They... whoever they were, killed half the security team and left the rest for dead.”

I nodded, gulping painfully. “Poor Bill.”

“And Anthony,” Rafe said from the other couch. “He came while we were putting everyone in ambulances. He jumped straight in with Bill and went to the hospital with them.”

I blew out a ragged breath. “That’s... horrible. I don’t even know what to say.”

Nate squeezed me tightly, pulling a blanket off the back of the sofa and draping it over me. “You don’t have to say anything sweetheart. None of this is your fault. We resolved your family issues already. These men were most certainly those who have been hunting us for years.”

Rafe nodded. “It’s true. The men who came to destroy us called me a freak.”

“And they did everything they could to not hurt us,” Bella said. “They had orders not to harm us women, according to what I heard from their walkie talkies.”

“That’s true,” I admitted, having heard the chatter on their radios.

We all went silent while we mulled over that information.

“Do you think they’re... dead?” Chrissy whispered into the quiet.

Roman shrugged, running a hand through his already roughed up hair. “I hope so, or at least those that are in charge are gone. I’m not sure how many attacks I can withstand in gargoyle form.”

“We should leave,” Angelique said, “Tomorrow, or even tonight. I’d already organized to rent a private plane. I can call them up and we can just... get out of her.”

I smiled at her. She was so determined to fix everything all the time. She was the best. “I’d love that, Angelique, but what about Bill, and everyone?”
