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Rose’s face changed. She frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then said, “I’d forgotten about that. You’ve never left New York. Have you?”

I shook my head, which at this angle was more about rolling it from side to side. “No. We couldn’t. I mean... we’d go out through the night to party and have fun. But we always had to be back on top of the library at sun rise, so we never went far.”

“But now... you can.” She said, her soft smile turning mischievous as she reached out and ran her finger along the length of my cock.

“What are you doing?” I asked, surprised by her forwardness. Rose was a magnificent lover but had always been quite shy.

“Seducing you,” she said, her lips quirking up as my cock began to lengthen and throb with each touch.

I wanted her to be as confident as possible with my body, so I didn’t rush her. I just rested back against the bath and said, “Please do.”

She grabbed the soap bar, lathered up her hands and began to play with my cock in earnest. “Oh... god....” I groaned out as she stroked me with her soapy hand, up and down.

Tingles skittered along my spine as blood pumped rapidly to fill my cock. She giggled again and I thrust up, into her hand. The water was rising and covered my waist now. “Are you going to get on top, beautiful?”

Her eyes went wide for a moment, then she nodded and scrabbled over to my side of the bath. Luckily there was enough room for her to kneel on either side of my hips.

“Come here, my Beloved.” I pulled her closer and up so I could plump up her breasts with my hands and suck one of her perfectly pink nipples into my mouth. She gasped and grabbed onto my head, arching her back to give me better access.

I slid a hand between her thighs, rubbing her clit in slow circles while she cried out and shivered in my lap. I didn’t stop, and I wouldn’t. Not until she took control of the session again.

I turned my hand over and slid my middle finger up inside her, using my thumb on her clit to continue to pleasure her.

“Nate... please.”

I lifted my head off her breasts and looked at my beautiful Rose, “Yes sweetheart?”

Her nails were dug into my shoulders and her pussy was wet and gripping my finger tight.

“I want...”

“Yes?” I asked, withdrawing my hand from between her thighs.

“You... more... please.”

She was begging so sweetly, but I still wanted her to know she could have me whenever she wanted.

I kissed her lips and put my hands on her waist, gently guiding her down. “Then take my cock inside you sweetheart.”

Her eyes went wide, then a salacious grin curved her lips. She reached between us to grip my cock and line it up with her body.

The head of my cock brushed against her slick entrance and I had to clench my teeth to stop myself from thrusting up into heaven.

“Ahhh...” I groaned as sweet, hot pleasure swept over me.

I reached out and flicked the taps off before I lost all concept of time; and the water filled the tub past the top.

She began to move gently, pushing down, then lifting up, my cock forging inside her hot, tight, wetness for a few moments, then back out again.

“Gah... You’re driving me insane.” I said, grabbing her waist tighter and fighting off the desire to impale her in one swift move.

She put her hands on my shoulders and threw her head back as she dropped down into my lap, her pussy swallowing up my cock in one smooth move that dragged out a groan from both of us.

“Damn it, beautiful. You feel amazing.”

She began to ride me, moving up and down on my cock and gasping with every beat. I began to thrust up with her movements, unable to sit still now. Her moans were growing louder and her pussy was squeezing my cock so tight.

“Nate... Nate...”
