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She grinned up at me. “You’re right. I’m just going to do it.”

A swell of pride washed over me as my girl bent her head and signed the document in all the marked places. Then she jumped up and threw her arms around me. “Oh my god, I feel so much better, thank you.”

I hugged her tight and met Angelique’s gaze over Rose’s head. “Thanks for your help, sister.”

Angelique nodded and stepped away. “No problem at all. I’m just happy to get one bully off our back.” Then she walked back to Gabe who was still waiting for her on the couch.

I cupped Rose’s face and kissed her, loving the way she melted into me. “Shall we return to bed?”

She smiled up at me. “I was hoping we could have a bath, actually.”

“Oh yes.” I said, remembering the claw foot tub in our huge ensuite. “That sounds like the perfect evening.”

Rose grabbed one of the food platters off the table and asked me, “Did you want more steak?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m done.” Another whiskey wouldn’t go astray, but the butler took the bottle with him and I’d already drunk my glass.

Rose took my hand, and we made our way up the staircase and into the bedroom we’d been assigned. The bed had been made since we’d climbed out of it, but the bathroom called our name.

“I’ll go run the water.” Rose said, hurrying into the bathroom to turn on the taps.

I wandered over to the open curtains and stared out into the courtyard, looking for the security that would keep my Beloved safe. There were men in the dark, standing guard. Bill had told us he had two dozen trained men on the property, all working in double shifts.

It was truly beautiful here; and I’d be sad to leave New York. We’d lived here our whole lives, since our creation. But I was also excited to see the world, even if I could only explore it at night.

Rose stepped out of the bathroom again and came up behind me, running her hands around my waist. “Are you coming?” She slid her hands under my shirt and pressed her warm palms to my stomach.

“Of course,” I said, turning around to give her better access. She looked up at me through her lashes, sultry and perfect.

“God, I love you,” I whispered to her.

She unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it from my shoulders. “I love you too. And I’m so grateful to you, and your family. I can’t believe you’ve saved my life so many times already.”

I chuckled and kicked off my shoes, Rose’s nimble fingers going to the buttons on my jeans. “I’d do anything for you, my Beloved.”

I reached for the hem on Rose’s short dress and pulled it over her head. She pushed her leggings to the floor. “I know.”

When we were both naked and the atmosphere in the room became charged with need, she turned and walked into the bathroom, her gorgeous ass swinging in invitation.

A soft growl rolled through my throat as I strolled into the huge bathroom and watched Rose climb into the huge bath. The water was only a couple of inches deep but I followed her in, sitting down the other end so I could look at her.

She smiled at me, then grabbed a bottle and poured some of the liquid in. Bubbles immediately began to froth in the water.

I settled deeper into the huge tub and leaned my head back against the rim. “This is heaven.”

Rose ran her fingernails up my thighs, massaging softly. “Yes. It is.”

I lifted my head up and stared at my fated mate. There was a light in her eyes that I’d never seen before. “You seem happy.”

She giggled and scooped up some bubbles in her hand, blowing them into the air like a child. “I am. So happy.”

I rested my arms on the edges of the bath, “Tell me more.”

She shrugged, her gorgeous breasts bouncing with her movement. “It’s just relief, I guess. I never thought I’d get out from under my stepmother’s thumb. I’ve had dreams about her chasing me to the ends of the earth, to torture me. To take everything from me...”

Her lips thinned and she shook her head. “No. I don’t have to think about that anymore. All she ever wanted was my money, and now... she can have it. And we can be free.”

“So free!” I exclaimed. “In the past I wouldn’t have even imagined leaving New York city, but look at us, in a country house, without a sky scraper or bright light to be seen.”
