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She began to tighten even further, and my own orgasm was roaring down on me. I held onto her waist, fucking up into her gorgeous body and pushing her over the edge.

She cried out, grabbing hold of the bath edges as she shook and screamed my name.

Her orgasm called on my own and my skin turned to fire as pleasure roared through me. I groaned too loudly as I thrust up into her one more time, spilling my seed deep in her womb.

She collapsed on top of me with a final shiver. I held her tight, unwilling to let her go. My Rose had always been perfect, but with the weight of her past now lifted from her shoulders, our future was bright indeed.

Chapter 8.


I lay in the huge king bed with Angelique in my arms, her girls Lotti and Piper fast asleep on the other side of the mattress. They were practically sleeping on top of each other, arms and legs thrown about in a tangle of blankets.

“Sorry about this,” Angelique apologized again. “They’re not used to being away from home.”

“Don’t apologize,” I whispered to her, kissing her cheek from where I lay behind her. “They’re absolutely beautiful. And you’re such a great mom.”

Angelique chuckled, “You know, I’ll never get sick of hearing that.”

“Why’s that?” I asked, making a mental note to make sure I told her that all the time.

She was quiet for a while, then said, “I suppose it’s because no-one tells me that. I don’t... or didn’t have a partner when I adopted all the kids. Sharon’s great, but she’s an employee. And my parents are gone, so... yeah. It’s a nice thing to hear.”

I rolled her onto her back again so I could look down at her. “You are the most generous, wonderful, amazing woman in the world. And I am so grateful you’re mine.”

She reached up and cupped my face, drawing me down so that we could kiss. Softly, gently. Because there was nothing else happening while I had children sharing our bed.

I lay down beside her and held her tight, wishing the night would never end.

Angelique turned towards me, “While you’re sleeping today, I’ll get moving on the plans to fly to Whitehorse for the winter months.”

“Oh... that would be great. Though let’s confirm with everyone first.” That sounded like the best plan. Afterall, anywhere I could be with my Beloved for most of the day sounded like the best idea.

“No problem.” She snuggled in again until her breathing evened out and I was pretty sure she was asleep.

I just lay there and held her, only too happy not to move. My brothers and I had been alone for so long, until Roman found Chrissy. From that moment our lives had changed forever, and I would be forever thankful to the Fates for sending us our Beloveds when they did.

None of us would have fought this hard to stay alive without our women. They made the fight essential, and real. We’d flirted with danger before, too often. Because our lives hadn’t meant much when no-one had loved us.

But now... we had everything to lose. Fated mates that would stay with us for eternity, and thanks to my Beloved we also had children to adore and raise as a family.

We would be happy, and safe. I was certain.

I must have dozed off too, which was rare, because I woke to pain coursing along my limbs.
