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Bella stuck her tongue out at Chrissy, then said, “Yeah, but we could have three or four months up there and we’d be able to be together for most of the day. Because you guys shift according to the sunlight, right? It’s not on a clock?”

I stared at my beloved, then glanced across at my brother’s. A smile spread across their faces just as my own heart lit up. “You’re a genius, beautiful girl.”

I wrapped my arms around Bella and kissed her.

“That’s a great idea.” Nathaniel said. “Truly. That much time awake would be... amazing.”

I sat back and smiled from my place on the couch, Bella curling into my side. Being an ex-lawyer, then librarian, Bella had an incredible knowledge bank, but it wasn’t until now that I truly appreciated her intelligence.

“Would you like a drink, Bill?” Nate asked.

“No but thank you. I need to drive back to the city with Rose’s contract as early as possible, so it’s best if I keep my wits about me.”

“You look like you need a nap, Bill.” Bella said. “Rose and Angelique might be a while with the contracts. Why don’t you go lie down for a while?”

Bill gave Bella a grateful smile. “You’re probably right. Thank you. Enjoy your evening.”

Bill grabbed a sandwich from the table and headed out the door.

“And speaking of going back to bed,” I said to my Bella, running my fingers along her arm. “How about we go have a nap ourselves?”

Bella giggled. “Yes. Sounds like a plan.”

We excused ourselves and I took my Beloved back to our room for the night. I could only assume that my brothers did the same thing with theirs.

Chapter 7.


The whiskey slid down my throat, a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. Rose was the most important person in the world to me, and the fact that her life was constantly in danger was wearing on my heart.

I wanted to tuck her into my chest and hide her forever. But that wasn’t the solution. What Bill had organized for her was the best outcome possible, so I just had to sit on the couch and wait for Angelique to finish explaining everything to her.

No point asking me. I didn’t know shit about investments and property. I’d always stayed out of that part of our life. My older brothers took care of the money.

But now I needed to know something, and I was burning with jealousy knowing Angelique could help my fated mate and I couldn’t.

In the end I got up and went over to where Rose was sitting. “How’s it all going ladies?”

Rose glanced up at me and smiled. “I think I’m ready to sign it. There are a few things I don’t totally understand, but Angelique said it’s very fair, and Bill would never screw this up. What do you think?”

“I don’t think Bill would screw you over. I owe my life to him, we all do.” Then I put my hand on her shoulder and said, “Plus, it’s not like you need the money. We have more than enough to keep us safe and secure for the rest of our lives.”

Which, fingers crossed, would be a very, very long time.
