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Bill looked at her with a rare smile. “Of course we got you that as well, Rose. Although I wouldn’t suggest staying there for a few years, just in case. We don’t want your stepmother knowing where you are at any time.”

“That works,” Nate said with a grin. “Because Rose will live forever as long as I do. We can wait until its safe, or even until that old bitch dies. Then we can live there as long as you like, sweetheart.”

“Oh, we’d have to get it altered,” Rose said. “We’d need security, and better curtains, and...”

Bill laughed softly, another rare moment for Bill. “Rose you have all the time in the world, and now all the money too. You don’t need to worry about anything. We’ll take care of it. I promise.”

“We, being the security team?” I asked, intuition tingling at the back of my neck.

Bill’s cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. “Me and Anthony. Between us, you’ll all be safe.”

“Anthony...” Rose repeated, then her eyes went wide. “Are you...? Anthony’s... Are you two together?”

We all stared at Bill, waiting for his reaction. Bill had worked for us for over ten years, and I’d never known him to have a girlfriend. He wasn’t married and had no children. I’d assumed he was straight, and choosey, but I’d never asked.

He didn’t answer, but I could see that he wanted to.

“Come on, Bill, tell us,” Nate teased. “You’ve always been so cagey about your love life. Is this why?”

Bill’s spine straightened. “I didn’t think it was anyone’s business, after all, it doesn’t affect my work.”

Roman stood up and walked over to the man who’d put himself in harms way more than once for us. “I’m happy for you, man.” Roman embraced Bill, who froze in shock for a moment, then hugged our brother back.


Roman sat down as we all grinned at one another. We didn’t care that Bill was gay, and I wasn’t sure how he even got the impression that we would.

“You’ve got good taste,” Gabe teased Bill, unable to let it rest. “Not my type of course, but his gun skills are...” Gabe chef kissed his fingers and we all laughed.

“Okay, okay,” Bill said, flustered now, pushing the hair off his face. “Back to the problem at hand. If you’re happy with the deal Rose, sign that and I’ll get it back to them first thing. It’s only two days until your birthday, so I’d say we’re just in time.”

Rose slid off the couch and went down on her knees next to the coffee table. “Have you got a pen. I’ll sign it now.”

“Read over it.” Bill said. “Never sign anything you haven’t read.”

“I’ll go over it with you, Rose.” Angelique said, standing up. “If you want?”

Rose grabbed the papers and stood up. “That would be great. Where do you want to sit?”

Angelique took Rose away from the main group and Roman focused on Bill. “Is there anything else?”

He shook his head. “Not from my end. What are you all planning from here?”

I ran my hand up and down Bella’s thigh. “I think we should get out of here. Maybe fly somewhere in the U.S. for a while and lay low.”

“I agree,” Roman said. “In fact, I was thinking we should go to Washington and visit the Normingdale clan.”

I frowned at him. “We could... but do you really think visiting more gargoyle shifters is the best way of hiding? Aren’t we just walking into another trap?”

Roman’s lips thinned as he thought about what I was saying.

Gabe shifted on his couch, “Rafe’s right. Until these guys who are hunting us give up, or are dead, I don’t think it’s the best plan.”

Roman sighed, “You’re probably right. Now’s not the time.”

“You know,” Bella began, looking up at me. “I was thinking that maybe we could go North. To Whitehorse in Canada or something. It’ll be winter in a month and they only have three hours of daylight in winter.”

Chrissy laughed, “Yeah, and like twenty-four hours of sunlight in summer.”
