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After resting all day, I didn’t really feel like sitting again, but the group grabbed the plates of food and settled on the lounges, a couple on each.

Chrissy tugged me down and crawled into my lap, wrapping herself around me.

I smiled as happiness flooded me. Maybe I could sit down for a while longer.

Chapter 6.


The girls had seared a few steaks for us and cut it up into strips.

“Here you go,” Bella said, handing me a plate and a fork.

“Perfect. Thank-you, beautiful,” I kissed her hard then ate a couple of pieces of the tender, perfect beef.

Angelique’s butler walked into the room with a crystal decanter of whiskey. “Drink, everyone?”

“Yes,” I called out, lifting my hand. “Me please.”

The butler came around with glasses and poured generous servings into each one before leaving us again.

“Are we celebrating?” I asked, glancing towards Bill who had pulled a stool over to sit on, while leaving us to the huge four couches.

“Well, yes. I think that’s appropriate.” Bill said with a smile. He still looked like death warmed up. Pale and too thin. But I was so grateful to him, for everything he was doing to keep our family alive. Whatever we were paying him it was surely not enough.

I made a mental note to speak to Roman about Bill’s wages at a later date.

“What is it?” Rose asked, sliding to the edge of the couch and looking hopeful “Did you speak to my stepmother’s lawyers?”

He grinned at her. “Yes, I did, after I lodged your last will and testament of course. That really was a stroke of genius, Angelique. It gave Anthony and I the leverage we needed to make sure the deal got done.”

“So, what did the old witch want?” I asked, taking a gulp of whiskey to calm my nerves.

It was bad enough that men we didn’t even know were hunting us down but knowing that Rose was on the chopping block because of her inheritance, and her stepmother was the executioner... it was infuriating.

Rose was insanely sweet and suited Nate down to a tee. How anyone could hurt Rose was beyond me.

“Everything.” Bill said with a grin, “But we negotiated, as you can imagine. Threats were thrown around, her lawyers left, came back and it was a whole shit show, but they ended up agreeing.”

“Agreeing to what?” Rose asked. Her knees were shaking as she moved her feet up and down. Her tension was a palpable thing in the room until Nate pulled her back into his arms.

Bill took a deep breath and pulled out a thick document from his stack of papers, then slid it over the large coffee table towards Rose. “In short, you’re splitting everything 50/50. We made it clear that you wanted cash, and low maintenance assets, whereas she wanted the business and the high earners.”

“What about the holiday home?” Rose asked.
