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I spent the day staring out the window and watching the back yard of the estate. Angelique and her kids came out multiple times, playing ball games and tag. The sun rose and fell once more, and I dreamed about our new life.

When we’d found out, mostly thanks to Rose that we could move our stone circles off the roof of the library, our lives had completely opened up. We’d moved into an apartment, then another. That ability, to no longer be out in the open, had truly opened my mind to possibilities. So now that everyone wanted to travel, I was up for that too.

Casinos, and beaches, and museums and... the sunshine. I wanted to lie by a pool with Christiana and know that we were safe. That was my biggest dream.

I’d always wanted to see the world and meet other gargoyle shifters. Our brothers. There weren’t many of our family left thanks to the assassin’s intent on destroying us all, but there was some small pockets who had survived. And since we’d told them about the stone circle, they’d all been able to hide as well.

As the sun began to set, Chrissy walked back into the room wearing a casual white T-shirt and some faded jeans.

“Good evening my love,” she said as she stood in front of me. “I hope you slept well.”

I had. My body felt fully regenerated now.

As the sun slipped past the horizon and darkness enclosed New York, I shifted back to human. I stood straight and tall, stretching my back to get out the kinks. “Good evening, beloved.”

I hopped off my stone circle and took Chrissy in my arms. “How was your day?”

She grinned up at me. “Great. I slept, and ate, and made plans.”

“Plans?” I asked, taking her hand and walking over to the dresser where my clothes were. “What sort of plans?”

I pulled on some black jeans and a grey shirt, folding the sleeves up to the elbow.

Chrissy’s gaze roamed over me, “I like you in those jeans.” Her hand slid over my hip to cup my ass cheek.

“Do we have time for another session?” I asked, mimicking her move and grabbing her ass through her own jeans.

“Um....” She went up on her tip toes and kissed me, “Bill asked us to come down ASAP for a meeting, so maybe after?”

I groaned, but relented, removing my hands from her perfect bottom and adjusting my jeans, which now felt too tight over my thickening cock. “Fine. But let’s make it fast.”

Chrissy turned around and I pinched her bum. She squealed and ran a little faster, making me want to chase her down like a caveman. I had to stop and breathe for a moment while my brain played over a scene in my head whereas I grabbed her, stripped her, and fucked her up against the nearest wall.

I wasn’t sure what it was about my Beloved that brought out my most basic instincts. But she did.

Chrissy opened the door to our bedroom and looked back over her shoulder, “Coming?”

Now that I was under control I managed to nod and walk towards her. “Yes, of course. Let’s go.”

Chrissy slipped her hand into mine as we walked along the hallways. “Is there places you want to travel, Roman?”

“I’ve always wanted to meet my fellow Gargoyle shifters,” I told her. “But never thought it would be possible.”

“Where do they live?” She asked as we walked down the stairs, hand in hand.

“All over, but the family we are closest to lives in Washington.”

A smile lit up her face, “That’s not far at all! We could definitely fly there and settle you all in during the night.”

“So true.” I said as we followed the sounds of voices talking and entered the living room. Four massive leather lounges were arranged into a sort of conversation nook and my family stood off to the side, eating from platters arranged on a long table.

“Hey,” I greeted everyone when they all turned to us.

Everyone was here except Bill. “What time is Bill expected?” I asked, considering sneaking Chrissy back to our room for an hour if my head of security wasn’t due yet.

“Sorry I’m late!” Bill called out from behind me, dashing my hopes in a single sentence.

“I was followed from New York and spent an extra hour losing them in all the back roads.” He set his folders out on the table in front of him and heaved a heavy sigh. “Big day. Do you all want to sit down?”
