Page 95 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, the three of us exit the shower and move to the bed, where Ryder has me climb atop him and Oliver comes up from behind. Theo kneels on the bed, and I reach out, stroking his cock reverently as I look up at my husbands.

“I love you,” I tell them as they start teasing me once again, preparing me to take them at the same time. “I love the way you make me feel. I love this. I never want it to end,’ I babble.

Theo shuts me up by pressing his thumb to my lip, making me open my mouth for him as he slips it inside, encouraging me to suck.

“You’re ours,” Ryder whispers as he lines himself up at my entrance. “Always and forever. You belong to us, Mrs. Everhart.”

The words go straight to my core, and I feel a flood of arousal as Ryder bottoms out. He stops, waiting for Oliver.

As Oliver begins working himself inside me, Theo’s thumb pets over my tongue, and I swirl it around, sucking on it until he pulls it back and replaces it with his thick cock, pressing it past my teeth and slipping it into my throat.

Oliver’s cock bottoms out inside me at the same time, and I feel impossibly full, filled to the brim and deliciously used.

Our bodies begin moving together, Ryder and Oliver working out a back-and-forth rhythm as Theo thrusts slowly in and out of my mouth. Drool escapes the corners as my body is pushed back and forth between them, and I never want this to end.

Ryder’s hands fist in my hair as he thrusts deep inside, and Oliver’s hands dig marks down my back. My body feels abuzz, every nerve ending tingling as my pleasure begins to mount.

“Eva!” Theo cries out, my tongue flicking over the underside of his shaft as he shoves my face back and forth on him. I can’t get enough of the way he shamelessly uses my mouth as a warm, wet hole.

Oliver’s thrusts grow faster and more erratic, desire crashing through him like a wave. My body sings in pleasure, and I tighten around them, nearly choking on the cock inside my throat.

I’m not going to last much longer like this, I realize. My mind starts to go blank as Oliver’s cock thrusts deep inside me one last time, letting out hot, thick spurts of cum inside me.

Ryder’s fingers climb down, circling my clit as I begin to tense around him, experiencing my own release. His release is triggered by mine, walls clamping down hard. As I cry out, Theo’s cock is pushed down into my throat, and he comes as well as I swallow the salty, bitter seed.

I’m completely spent, and it’s only the first day of the honeymoon. I chuckle to myself as the three men extract themselves from inside me and crawl up to lie on the bed together.

“What’s funny?” Oliver asks, reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear.

“This is going to be one hell of a honeymoon,” I tell them, a grin on my face. “I hope you guys are ready for it.”

Theo grins back and bends down to kiss me. “Oh, trust me, if we didn’t think we could handle you, we wouldn’t have taken you as ours.”

“I love you,” I tell them, entwining our hands. Ryder kisses my shoulder.

“We love you too, dollface.”



As I stand on the balcony overlooking the sprawling grounds of Shadowvale, its beauty fully restored, pride and contentment wash over me.

It’s been almost exactly one year to the day since the three of us exchanged vows with Evangeline, binding our lives together and pledging our future to her.

So many things have changed since then.

“Dada!” I hear a voice and turn, seeing Bree toddling toward me, arms outstretched. I pick her up and swing her around, enjoying the way she giggles as I toss her in the air.

“Bree!” Eva calls out, rushing toward the balcony. She spots us and beams, shaking her head. “We’re supposed to be getting ready for the party tonight, baby,” she says. Bree giggles again and shakes her head.

“No,” she says, her new favorite word.

“Come now, Brianna,” Aunt Bridget says, appearing behind Eva. “You have a pretty new dress to wear that your aunt designed.”

Eva takes Bree out of my arms and carries her off, the two of them giggling while Bree says “No, no, no!”

“Look at this place,” Theo murmurs, coming up to stand next to me as we survey the estate. “Who would've thought we'd come this far?”
