Page 94 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Once we get back to Shadowvale, Bridget is waiting inside with Bree on her hip, practically pacing.

“She said yes,” Theo announces as we walk in. She pounces, handing Bree off to Ryder, and grabs my hand to look at the ring.

“Perfect,” she declares, hugging me. “I get to have the niece I always wanted! Oh, my God, when are you guys planning on doing this? There are so many things to plan for. If you’re going to do it in late Autumn, I know the perfect place. But then again, why wait that long? You guys could get married in a couple of months if you wanted.”

Before I can answer, she’s already spouting off more questions. “Who’s doing your dress? We should get Vera to do it. No, wait, Kim. No… Anna! What do you think of a rustic theme?”

My head spins trying to keep up, but eventually, we sit down to plan a few days later and start ironing out the details, settling on a date and a theme, and then the planning really takes off.

The time flies by, and just after Bree’s first birthday, I have my final dress fitting. I can’t believe the wedding is tomorrow.

The final fitting for my wedding dress is a moment I'd been eagerly anticipating, yet a hint of nervousness flutters in my stomach as I step into the bridal boutique. Aunt Bridget, a pillar of strength and wisdom, accompanies me, her reassuring presence a comforting balm to my jumbled emotions.

As I slip into the gown, the soft fabric envelopes me, hugging my curves. Standing before the mirror, I couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful it turned out.

Aunt Bridget's warm smile greets mine in the mirror, her eyes shining with pride and love. "You look absolutely breathtaking, my dear," she tells me, her voice filled with admiration.

I can’t help but blush at her praise, my cheeks tinged pink. "Thank you, Aunt Bridget," I murmur, my heart swelling with happiness and excitement.

She steps closer, her hands smoothing over the fabric. “Remember that those men you’re marrying are just that. They’re men. You don’t need them to be happy. You’re a wonderful woman in your own right. I’ve seen you grow and change in the last year so much, and I’m proud to call you family.”

Her words resonate deep inside me, making me grateful to have her. “Thank you so much, Aunt Bridget. You mean the world to me. I hope I make you proud.”

“Always, dear,” she replies, reaching out to cup my cheek. “I couldn't be prouder to stand here today and watch you embark on this new chapter of your life.”

With a soft smile, she pulls me into an embrace. I feel as though my heart has grown two sizes since she came into my life.

The day of the wedding dawns, and the sun the sun bathes the grounds of Shadowvale in a warm golden glow as everyone gathers on the lawn for the wedding.

White chairs line the aisle, adorned with delicate floral arrangements that sway gently in the breeze. At the end of the aisle stands a gazebo, draped in white fabric and blooming flowers, serving as the focal point for the ceremony.

The guests take their seats, and the ceremony begins with Bree, looking adorable in a white pinafore dress and matching bloomers, toddling down the aisle and dumping rose petals here and there, her giggles filling the air like music.

Following closely behind, I step into view, my eyes seeking out the men I’d come here to pledge my life to. My gaze meets Theo's first, his eyes filled with pure love and adoration, then Ryder's, his sparkling with mischief and affection, and finally, Oliver's, his smile warm and reassuring. Bridget guides me to them, placing my hand in theirs.

At the altar, the brothers stand tall and proud, their hands intertwined with mine, their love surrounding me like a protective shield.

"I, Eva, take you, Theodore, you, Ryder, and you, Oliver, to be my husbands, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Their words echo mine, voices filled with conviction and devotion, and as we exchange the rings, they each step up and seal our bond with a kiss. This is all I’ve ever wanted, to have someone who loves me, who cares for me, and who wants to protect me.

As the garden erupts in applause, I whisper a silent thank you to the universe for blessing me with the love of not one, but three incredible men.

The guests send us off after a night of dancing and celebration, and I give one final kiss goodbye to our daughter before the boys pull me away to our awaiting limousine. We’re flying to Bora Bora for a week-long honeymoon.

Once we arrive the next day, the boys pull me into a large waterfall shower that comfortably fits all four of us. Ryder’s mouth meets mine, and I feel tender affection and fierce desire as we kiss.

Oliver’s hands snake down my back, squeezing my ass as Theo brings his hands down to trace over my breasts, kissing my neck. I feel trapped in the best way as they touch, kiss, and caress me.

Theo’s tongue darts out, licking a droplet of water off my neck as Oliver’s fingers trace my backside, spreading his palm so his middle finger dips down in between my cheeks, dragging over my sensitive entrance.

Ryder pulls me up onto him, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist as he kisses me deeply. This gives Oliver better access to me, and he moves his finger down further, slipping inside me as he begins to tease and open me up.

“I want you and Ryder inside me at the same time,” I tell him. “And I want Theo to use my mouth.”

“We can do that, baby girl,” Theo purrs, biting a little love bite into my neck. I arch, letting out a moan as his nails scrape over my back. Ryder’s fingers dig into my thighs as he kisses me, his tongue swirling around mine.

Oliver presses another finger into me, scissoring them open as he presses wet, open-mouthed kisses to my shoulder blades. I can’t get enough of the sensations I’m feeling as they continue to torment me with boundless pleasure.
