Page 96 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Not me,” I admit, my gaze drifting to where Eva stands with our daughter, looking radiant and serene.

“Eva has truly made this place a home,” Theo adds.

Oliver joins us, clapping me on the back. “I knew she was going to flourish,” he says. “But seeing it happen, it’s amazing.”

“Honestly, the biggest change I’ve seen is in you, Rye,” Theo admits, pride in his smile. “You’ve truly stepped up into the role as my top lieutenant. I would’ve never been able to turn things around for the Callahans if it weren’t for your help.”

“We can thank Oliver for being so good at keeping everyone in line and for taking care of weeding out those loyal to Declan,” I say, turning my head to glance at my brother. He smiles, hands behind his back.

The garden party begins that afternoon, led by Eva as she welcomes guests into our home. The former mousy little maid is now Mistress of Shadowvale. It brings a smirk to my lips.

Warm sun bathes the gardens in a golden glow as the party gets into full swing. Guests mingle among blooming flowers and elegant décor.

I keep an eye on our daughter as she runs around the party, her giggles echoing through the air as she darts between guests, her excitement infectious.

I find myself drawn to Aunt Bridget's side, her warm smile a beacon of comfort amid the bustling crowd. "It's quite the affair, isn't it, Aunt Bridget?" I remark, offering her a glass of champagne.

Aunt Bridget's eyes shine with pride as she surveys the gathering. "Yes, it is. Your wife has done a remarkable job,” she replies, her gaze drifting to where Eva is engaged in conversation with a group of guests.

“She really has. I’m proud of her. It's been quite the journey for us all, hasn't it?” I muse, thoughts drifting to everything we’ve been through together.

Aunt Bridget nods, her expression thoughtful. "It certainly has. I’m glad you’ve all grown up and gotten your shit together.”

I laugh at the unexpected response, a surge of gratitude washing over me. “Thanks, Aunt Bridget. That means a lot coming from you.”

As the afternoon wears on, I find myself engaged in lively conversation with the guests, exchanging pleasantries and anecdotes as we enjoy the festivities. Bree's antics provide entertainment for all, her laughter ringing out like music amid the garden.

After a while, Eva finds me in the crowd, her smile radiant as she takes my hand. "Ryder, there's something I want to show you," she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Intrigued, I follow her through the bustling garden, Theo and Oliver trailing behind us. Eva leads us to the nursery, where soft sunlight filters through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room.

With a mischievous grin, Eva retrieves a small box from the shelf, her eyes dancing with anticipation. "I have a surprise for you," she says, excitement in her tone.

Curious, I take the box from her hands, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I open it, my breath catches in my throat at the sight before me. Inside lies a positive pregnancy test, the lines clear and undeniable.

Shock and joy wash over me in equal measure as I meet Eva's gaze, my heart overflowing with love for her and our growing family. With tears of happiness in my eyes, I pull her into a tight embrace, feeling Theo and Oliver joining us in celebration.

“Bree is going to have a little brother or sister in about seven to eight months,” she confesses, tears of joy in her eyes.

We rejoin the party, buoyed by the news. As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil garden, we gather together in the warmth of the manor. Bree giggles as she chases after a butterfly, her laughter filling the air with joy.

Theo grins, ruffling Bree's hair affectionately. "Slow down, little one." He chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You'll catch it one day."

Oliver leans against the garden railing, a contented smile on his face as he watches Bree's antics. "She's got spirit, just like her mother," he remarks, his tone filled with pride.

Eva beams, her eyes shining with love as she gazes at our daughter. “She's a handful, but she's ours,” she says, her voice filled with affection. “And we’ll have another one just like her. Maybe a few more,” she teases.

The party winds down, and everyone takes their leave, leaving us alone once more. Once we put Bree to bed and wave Aunt Bridget off as well, the four of us head upstairs, this time to Oliver’s room.

He’s got the biggest bed now, room for all four of us whenever we need some privacy from the little one or just want to spend one-on-three time with Eva.

Sinking into bed together, we wrap ourselves around her, kissing her slowly, sensually. The three of us work together to take her apart piece by piece.

“Fuck! That feels so good! Don’t stop!” Eva whines as I suck her clit while Theo holds her down and uses her mouth like a cock sleeve. Tears roll down her cheeks as Oliver spanks her ass, leaving warm, red bruises on her skin.

It doesn’t take long for Eva to work herself up to a frenzy, pussy clenching around my fingers as I eat her out like a starving man. Theo comes down her throat, and Oliver paints stripes of white with his cum across the red skin of her bottom.

I move on top of her, thrusting inside with a rough edge, desire consuming me whole. I want this woman. I need her. “Fuck!” I cry out, fingers leaving bruises on her hips.
