Page 93 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Driving away from the manor, we head in the opposite direction of the city. Eva is puzzled at first, but her eyes light up when we head toward the beach.

Once we arrive, Ryder grabs the basket from the trunk, Theo gets the plush plaid blanket, and I grab the wine and the glasses.

We take the blanket out a bit, setting up on the sand a good distance from the shoreline, but close enough to see the sun sparkling off the waves.

“This is great,” Eva says, fluffing out her skirt as she sits on the blanket. “I feel so special, getting to connect with you guys after everything.”

“It’s wonderful to be here with you,” Theo says, sitting next to her. “We felt like it was time to get out of the house. Things have been so crazy ever since Bree was born, and you’ve worked so hard.”

“You’re an amazing mom,” Ryder agrees, pouring a glass of wine as the wind gently picks up around us, sending Eva’s curls fluttering. “I wish we hadn’t been so stupid when you first showed up. I wish we’d given you a chance.”

“You did,” Eva points out. “It might have taken a minute, but you did give me a chance.”

“Either way, we’re the lucky ones,” I interject. I open the basket and pull out a charcuterie board full of fruits, cheeses, and meats. “And we want you to know how much we appreciate you.”

“You guys are great dads,” Eva says, her eyes shining. “I know your own dad was hard on you and made you tough and resilient, but I see how gentle you are with Bree, how patient. Theo, you let her sit on your lap while you work. Ryder, you get down and play with her every day. And Oliver, you read to her every night before bed. The three of you are amazing men, nothing like your father.”

“I think we wanted to give Bree the childhood we never had,” Theo says. “We could make her tough, we could show her that life is hard, but if we’re going to be there to protect her, she will never have to know that.”

“We also want Bree to know that she can do whatever she wants,” I add. “She doesn’t have to go into the Family business. She can be a ballerina or a race car driver or paint pictures by the Seine.”

“As long as she has you guys as her dads, she’ll know she’s supported,” Eva agrees.

“You should know that we support whatever you want too,” Ryder says. “You’re just as important to us.”

“We never thought we would get this chance,” Theo admits. “We’re bastards, sadistic men with a vicious streak. Our father discouraged relationships, thought it made us weak.”

“But with you, we’re so much stronger than before,” Ryder adds.

The sun is starting to sink over the horizon, painting beautiful streaks of reds, oranges, and purples across the sky. I stand up and pull Eva toward me, Ryder and Theo following behind.

“Basically, what we’re saying is…” I kneel as Theo hands me the ring box. “We love you for who you are, and we want you to stay with us forever. Evangeline Parker, will you marry us?”

Eva’s eyes well up with tears. “I… I have to admit that I’m not sure how that would work,” she confesses, her voice thick with emotion.

I let out a shaky laugh, surprised at that reaction.

“Don’t worry about it!” Ryder says, stepping forward and joining me on the sand. “Just say yes.”

“Please?” Theo adds, too dignified to get on one knee.

“Okay, yes! Yes, of course, I will,” Eva says, launching herself at us as the four of us pile together in a hug.

The ring is a princess-cut sapphire with a diamond on each side, which we picked out together right after Eva got out of the hospital. It fits perfectly over her finger, and she holds it up, examining it. With the sun in the background, she looks like a beautiful goddess.

We return to our picnic, enjoying the food and wine and laughter, jokes, and light banter. It feels as though everything has been leading up to this point for us, and I’m so glad we finally managed to figure out what was most important before it was too late.

“I love you,” Eva says, cuddling up to us as the sun goes down. It’s getting colder, and it’s almost time to go back, but none of us are ready to leave the moment yet.

But finally, it starts getting late and we pack up, heading back home to see our daughter and break the good news.

I don’t know what the future will hold, but I know that with Eva by our side, everything seems possible.



As we head back from our beach picnic, I can’t stop staring at my ring. It’s so beautiful, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, like Cinderella if her Prince Charmings were also Black Knights.
