Page 92 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Guys,” he says, catching sight of us. “I have news about Declan.”



Daniel stands in the doorway, a somber look on his face. “Guys, I have news about Declan.”

We just got back home, and Ryder and I were still unpacking when Daniel showed up, so I’m in the middle of the hallway, carrying the overnight bag to the hall closet.

Ryder comes in from the garage, catching sight of Daniel.

“He’s got news about Declan,” I tell him. Eva is halfway up the stairs, having been on her way to check on the baby, and Theo is on the landing, but we all make our way toward Daniel, eager to hear what’s been going on.

Declan has been missing ever since the kidnapping incident, and I know it’s weighed heavily on everyone, especially Eva.

Once we’re all gathered around, Daniel clears his throat.

“So we found out that Declan escaped to Ireland after the incident,” he begins. “But he was caught trying to set up a smuggling ring by the Gardaí. Luckily for us, we managed to pin him with Marcus’s murder after everything you guys uncovered.”

My eyes widen.

“We have an extradition treaty with Ireland, so he’s being handed back over to our people as we speak,” Daniel says, a grin growing on his face. “And on top of that, he’s agreed to name some names from the DeLucci Family in exchange for a reduction in his sentence.”

This news is the best we’ve heard in a while, and Eva hugs Daniel tightly while Ryder and I bump fists. Theo nods, a look of satisfied determination on his face. “Good. What about us, though? We were involved in a lot of this, and our fingerprints are all over it.”

“I’m keeping your name out of things,” Daniel says. “It was thanks to you that we got the evidence we needed to convict him in the first place.”

My grin widens. “So, does this mean you’re on our side of the law now, Danny-boy?”

Daniel chuckles, shaking his head. "Nah, I’m still keeping an eye on the Callahans, since a good federal agent needs an enemy to chase.”

There’s a brief pause as we absorb this news, the weight of his words sinking in. “Wait, what?” Ryder asks.

“You’re looking at the newest Fed.” Daniel grins. “The Declan arrest got me a big promotion.”

“Congratulations!” Eva says excitedly. “We’re so proud of you.”

“Keep your noses clean,” Daniel warns with a playful wink.

We say our goodbyes as Daniel leaves, the joy and relief at the news spreading through us like wildfire.

“I feel so much better,” Eva confesses as I pull her into a hug. “Knowing that Declan is going to be behind bars for a long time, possibly the rest of his life, makes me feel like I can sleep easier at night.”

“Me too,” Theo confesses. “Ever since he took you, I’ve been waiting for the day to get our revenge. This is the best revenge, knowing he’ll be locked away and forced to serve his time.”

The jubilant spirit stays high as the three of us exchange secretive glances, a silent agreement passing between us. This was the news we’d been waiting for.

Once everything is settled with the baby and Eva has had a chance to shower, I knock on the door to the room she and Theo are sharing.

“We’re going out,” I tell her. “Just for the afternoon. Dress for a picnic.”

“What’s going on?” Eva asks, curiosity in her eyes. “We just went out last night.”

“We just want to celebrate the good news,” I say, being careful with my words.

She grins and heads to the closet to pick something out. Downstairs, Ryder is supervising the cook as he makes a basket for us, and Theo is getting everything ready in the car.

Once she’s dressed, wearing a peach dress with flowy sleeves and a ruffled hem, I escort her down the stairs and out to the car with us. We’re taking the Porsche so we can put the top down.
