Page 91 of Shadowvale Secrets

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As we dance, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me, the worries of the world falling away with each step. This is just a precursor to the main event, and as we all draw closer, the energy between us heats up.

It isn’t long before Eva is pulling us along, taking us up the stairs to the apartment, unlocking the door with an almost frenetic energy as we tumble inside together.

The place has been completely cleaned up and renovated since the attack, and we make our way over to the bed, falling into it together.

“How do you want us?” I ask, pulling the strap of her dress aside to kiss her shoulder.

“Mm,” Eva moans into my ear. “I want Ryder to touch me because his hands have been driving me crazy all night. I want Oliver to take me from behind, and I want to ride you, Theo,” she says, her voice low and seductive.

Her words fill me with aching desire, enjoying the way her eyes go half-lidded as she gets close to me. I reach out and run my hand over her exposed throat, cupping it gently as if my hand were a necklace. She moans and rubs her neck against my open palm, reaching out to unbutton the gleaming buttons of my shirt.

Ryder comes up next to her, pulling at the ties on her dress straps and letting them fall as he slips his hands into her pink, lacy bra to fondle her tits, pulling out one so it spills over the cup of her bra and leaning down to suck one dusky brown nipple into his mouth.

She bites her lip, pressing his face into her chest as he repeats his ministrations while Oliver begins to pull the rest of her clothes off one by one.

My hand moves down to cup her breast, squeezing it as Ryder sucks on the other. Once Oliver has her clothes off, he begins to prep her immediately, getting behind her and spreading her cheeks open so he can lick into her tight entrance. She bucks against me, and I bite down on her exposed shoulder.

“Fuck,” she whimpers. “I’ve missed this.”

“So have I,” I whisper back, bending down to kiss her, sucking her bottom lip between my teeth. Our mouths move over and over each other as Oliver begins to tease her ass and Ryder lavishes attention on her breasts.

I pull away to take a moment to breathe. “Tonight, you’re ours,” I tell her. “We’re going to remind you of whom you belong to.”

Eva’s mouth descends on mine again, her hands coming up to free me from my shirt. “Off,” she whines when she’s stopped by the belt of my pants.

I chuckle and slip away to discard my clothing, prompting Ryder to do the same. Oliver pulls away long enough to shuck off his clothes before going back to slowly prepping Eva’s hole to be breached.

“Don’t stop,” Eva moans as he begins twisting a finger inside her. I climb onto the bed in front of her, slipping beneath her to tease her cunt lips with my own fingers. This evening is all about enjoying every last inch of Evangeline and making up for all the time we missed.

Her legs part for me, and I slide a finger into her, a smirk blossoming at how wet she already is for us. My fingers stroke over her folds, pushing into her entrance while my thumb brushes her clit, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Feels so good,” she whines. “Need you. Want you.”

Ryder moves up to bite and suck marks into her neck, his hand continuing to tease her puckered nipples. I can tell she’s getting impatient, but I want her to be begging for it by the time she’s ready. Oliver reaches up to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube, squirting a generous amount onto his fingers before he slips two into her hole, stretching her out.

Eva is all but bucking at this point, driven wild by the incessant, unrelenting touching and teasing of her body. I still want to hold out a little longer, make sure she’s fully ready, but she starts whining and begging and I know it’s over.

“Shh, we got you, sweetheart,” I tell her as I line myself up at her entrance and begin to sink inside. Oliver pulls his fingers out and smears them over his cock before pressing the tip to her ass, teasing it gently.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“Please!” Eva begs. He pushes inside inch by inch, and suddenly, Evangeline is full, front and back. Ryder’s fingers move to replace mine, teasing her clit as Oliver and I begin to move, setting a steady rhythm of in and out, in and out.

Eva cries out, clutching at my chest as we fuck into her in earnest. “Deeper!” she pleads. “Harder!”

Our hips snap forward at the same time, driving into her as deep as we can. Ryder’s fingers circle her bud faster as his mouth descends on her breasts once more.

It doesn’t seem to take much longer before I’ve reached my release, painting her inner walls with my seed. Oliver’s hips thrust forward once more, buried deep in her ass, and he comes as well.

Eva’s hand shoots out, stroking over Ryder’s cock as she works herself on me, chasing her release. I’m already starting to soften, but I encourage her, whispering praise in her ear, urging her onward.

“Fuck!” she screams, crying out as she comes apart at the seams for us, her orgasm hitting hard. Her hand continues working over Ryder’s cock, and he comes as well, aiming it over her breasts and painting white ropes across them.

We collapse together, catching our breath. The night is young, and we have a lot of catching up to do.

The next day when we head back home, Eva looks well-rested, refreshed, and better than ever. There’s even a healthy glow to her skin. I can’t stop staring, and she smirks at me, flouncing away to check on the baby.

Just as I’m about to head upstairs to my office, the doorbell rings. Fitz goes to answer it and Daniel steps into the door frame.
