Page 90 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Hi, Baby Bree,” Oliver coos.

“Bree is a great name,” Ryder agrees. “It’s hip. It’s unusual, like mine.”

“But Brianna has that traditional flair like Theodore and Oliver,” Theo points out. “I love it. I love you, Bree, and I love your mommy too.”

As I lay back on the bed, surrounded by my new family, I feel whole for the first time in a long time. I feel complete. Even if Declan is still on the run and there’s still some lingering tension with the DeLuccis, I honestly feel like the possibilities are endless.

I finally feel like I have a bright future ahead of me.



The first rays of morning light break out over the horizon, rousing me from my slumber. I stretch, glancing over to the corner of the room where Bree is babbling to herself, looking out the window at the sun.

“Good morning, princess,” I say, slipping from the bed to walk over to her. She reaches out for me, trying to sit up in the bassinet. I pick her up and cradle her to my chest, kissing her on the head.

She’s so calm, and she’s happy all the time. It’s wonderful to see her grow up so carefree. I can’t get enough of her, even now. She grins at me and babbles, giving me a wet, mouthy kiss on my chin.

“Is the baby awake?” Eva asks, rolling over.

“I’ve got her,” I say, the baby letting out a little shriek of agreement.

Oliver comes in at that moment, bringing a steaming cup of coffee, and Eva sits up, holding her hands out for the warm mug.

“Good morning,” he says, a cheerful look on his face as he passes it over. “You have your checkup today.”

“That’s right,” she says, a sly look in her eyes. “Bree and I are getting our six-month checkup.”

“Oh?” I ask, turning to face them. Ryder saunters into the room, his hair damp from the shower.

“Somebody has missed being with us,” he teases. “I think she’s looking forward to the full clean bill of health.”

After the trauma of her early birth and the kidnapping, we told Eva that she needed six months to recover before we would touch her again. It was difficult seeing her go through so much, and we wanted her to have proper time to heal.

But I think that the distance has been getting to us all, making us restless and eager for the checkup today.

Eva gets out of bed and comes over, leaning against me to peer at Bree, who giggles and kicks her feet in joy at seeing her. She strokes her hand over Bree’s hair, her dark curls growing in longer and longer every day.

Eva and Ryder take Bree to the doctor with the baby, while I head to my office to work and Oliver runs an errand on my behalf. Business is better than ever without the threat of the DeLuccis coming after our territory anymore.

That afternoon, Eva and Ryder come back with grins on their faces.

“Good news?” I ask, watching them from the landing.

“Doctor says I’m completely fine,” Eva declares, fluttering her lashes as she glances at Ryder.

Tonight’s the night. We’ve pulled out all the stops for her. Aunt Bridget is going to be watching the baby, and we’re taking Eva to the refurbished apartment above the nightclub for a reunion, just the four of us.

I adjust my tie in the mirror, smoothing out the creases in my suit jacket. The anticipation of the night ahead fills the room, tangible and electric. Tonight is about celebrating, about cherishing the moments of joy we've fought so hard to reclaim.

As I glance over at Eva, my breath catches in my throat. She's stunning and radiant in a light pink dress adorned with delicate flowers. The ruched bodice accentuates her curves, the sweetheart neckline hinting at the softness of her skin. Her hair falls in loose waves around her shoulders, framing her face like a halo.

I swallow hard, suddenly aware of the desire coursing through me. She's beautiful, more beautiful than I've ever seen her, and I can't tear my eyes away. She catches my gaze and smiles, a soft blush dusting her cheeks.

"Ready?" Ryder's voice breaks through the haze, pulling me back to the present. I nod, tearing my gaze away from Eva as we head out the door.

The club is alive with energy as we step inside, the pulsing beat of the music filling the air. Eva's hand fits perfectly in mine as we make our way to the dance floor, the rhythm of the music guiding our movements.
