Page 41 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Tonight,” I growl. “I’m coming to your bed tonight.”

Her eyes catch mine, and I see the heat there, the desire.

“I’ll see you later, then,” she whispers, giving me a sultry look before escaping my grasp.

The rest of the day, I feel restless, almost manic as I try to complete my work. All I can think about is the dark promise that tonight will bring.

Stealing away late in the night, I knock softly on Eva’s door before slipping inside.

She’s sitting up in her bed, reading one of the books I gave her. She shuts it softly and puts it on the side table, standing up.

She’s got on a white lace bra that shows the outline of her nipples and a pair of matching lace panties that tie at the sides. Over the top is a sheer, white robe that hangs off one shoulder, open to display the belly that’s growing the baby inside her. Her hair is down in gentle waves, framing her face.

“Temptress,” I growl out, pulling her toward me to press an insistent kiss to her mouth. Eva yields to my mouth easily, accepting the kiss with a soft sigh.

My hands tangle in her hair as I kiss her, careful to avoid her belly as we continue to kiss, our tongues tangling in her mouth. She tastes minty, like toothpaste, and smells sweet, like a floral garden.

We break apart, and I pick her up, sitting her down on the bed, mouths never leaving each other for even a second. I want her. I want to touch her, taste her, tease her.

Before I can get my hands on her, Eva surprises me by pushing me away. “I want to taste you,” she says, nearly breathless.

“Are you sure?” I ask, concerned about her being on her knees at this stage.

“If you lie back on the bed, I can get between your legs,” she suggests, trailing a hand down my chest.

I bite my lip, wanting nothing more than to touch her, but the idea of her submitting herself before me is appealing in a way I hadn’t considered. Nodding, I climb onto the bed, settling myself against her pillows.

She moves and gets between my thighs, licking her lips as she pulls my sleep pants and underwear off, then reaches up and tugs off my shirt.

Without warning, she bends down and gets her mouth around me, flicking her tongue against the slit. I’m already hard for her, leaking precum and ready. The sensation is electric, and I rest my hands in her hair, taking a handful into my fist.

She slides down my length, tongue rubbing against the underside as she swallows around me, ripping a moan from my throat. “Fuck,” I whisper, tugging at her hair. This seems to spur her on because she begins bobbing her head up and down, hollowing her cheeks to suck on my shaft.

My head falls back as I lose myself in the sensations of her warm, wet mouth around me. I stroke my fingers through her silky strands as she continues to move up and down, hand coming down to tease my taint, rubbing insistently there, enough to send white-hot pleasure shooting down my spine.

“Oh, God, I’m gonna…” I whisper, pulling her off. “I’m not ready yet. I want to be inside you,” I tell her. “Naughty girl. Who taught you this?”

“You, sir,” she whispers, winking at me. I groan and pull her up toward me, straightening my legs so she’s seated on top of me. Mindful of her belly, I position her so she’s seated in my lap, lining myself up and sinking into her wet folds. My knees bend enough to give her a comfortable place to sit, her thighs on either side of my torso.

This gives me a nice view of her body. Her belly is hanging round and full now, her breasts heavy and nipples more prominent, taking on a duskier hue. She looks like a goddess from here, and the best part is I have full control this way.

“Oh, God, Oliver,” she moans as I begin to flex my hips up and down, reaching out with one hand to cup one breast, thumb brushing over her nipple. It stiffens under my touch and she shivers.

Rocking my hips, I reach down with my hand to tease along her clit, sending another shiver through her body. “Fuck,” she curses, throwing her head back. I love the angle of this position. I can get so deep inside her.

“You feel so good,” she whispers, leaning on her hands as I gently toy with her clit, pinching and twisting it as my body continues to move, pumping inside her over and over again.

“Don’t stop,” Eva whines, her own body rocking against mine at the same time now, the two of us finding a rhythm as we come together, fall apart, and come together once again in a dance as old as time.

I love watching the way she loses herself like this, eyes rolling back in her head, moans escaping from her lips, face flushed with desire as our bodies rock into each other. My fingers move faster, teasing and circling her bud over and over, and she leans further back, allowing me to push deeper into her.

“Fuck!” Eva curses again, body tensing up. “I’m… I’m close, Oliver!”

I love the way my name sounds falling from her lips. “Say my name,” I order her, thrusting harder.

“Oliver!” she cries out. “Oliver!”

She tenses around me, coming apart at the seams under my hands, silky walls tightening around me to the point that I feel myself releasing as well, a long, low groan escaping me.
